Salix hookerianaSalix hookeriana



Salix hookeriana

Hooker’s Willow also known as Coastal Willow, Dune Willow


Coastal from California to Alaska

Climate, Elevation

Needs sunny areas with moist to wet soil to grow. Occurs < 100 m

Local Occurrence

Very Common around Puget Sound and the Washington Coast regions.

Habitat Preferences

Likes wet places, especially at the edges of standing water. Occasionally occurs on sandy beaches or dunes.

Plant strategy type/successional stage

It is an early seral species.

Associated Species

Alnus rhombifolia, Alnus rubra, Baccharis pilularis, Myrica californica, Rubus ursinus, Salix gooddingii, S. laevigata, S. lucida, S. sitchensis.

May be collected as

Seed, cuttings.

Collection restrictions or guidelines

Layering, most stem cutting types. Course stems are more brittle than most willows.

Seed Germination

Surface sow seeds immediately after cleaned. Seeds ripen in late spring.

Seed Life

Seeds is as short as a few days. Maximum storage can be extended to 4-6 weeks.

Recommended seed storage conditions

Store seeds at 0°C.

Propagation Recommendations

For cuttings of mature wood of the current year's growth, plant from November to February in a sheltered outdoor bed or planted straight into their permanent position. For cuttings of half-ripe wood, plant from June to August in a frame.

Soil or Medium Requirements

It grows well in light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils. It also does well with highly acidic and neutral soils, however it can also grow in saline soil. It requires moist or wet soil.

Instillation Form

Cuttings have highest success rate, they are very quick to establish, as well as cost effective.

Recommended Plant density

3'+ for rooted plants, 2' for cuttings.

Care Requirements after instillation

Requires moist soil. Usually planted in riparian zones where little care is required.

Normal Rate of growth or spread; Lifespan

Height - 20’         Spread -15’        Growth Rate - Moderate

Lifespan - Moderate

Sources Cited

  1. Pojar and Mackinnon. Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast. 1994.
  2. California Native Plant Exchange. <>.
  3. E-Flora <>.
  4. Evergreen Native Plant Database. <>.
  5. Plants for a Future. <>.
  6. Jepson Manual. <,7045,7059>.
  7. Plants for a Future. <>. USDA NRCS. Producing Pacific Northwest Native Trees and Shrubs in Hardwood Cutting Blocks or Stooling Beds. November 1999. <>.
  8. USDA Plants National Database. <>.

Compiled by Kelly Sutton April 12, 2006