Plant Data Sheet


Species: Dicentra Formosa

Commonly called: Bleeding Heart.



Bleeding heart can be found from Southern British Columbia to Central California in the Cascade and Coast Ranges.


Climate, elevation:

Bleeding heart is found at low to middle elevations


Local occurrence:

Relatively common.


Habitat preferences:

Moist woods or fairly dry open areas.


Plant strategy type:

Bleeding heart is a late succesional species that usually occupies the understory in a coniferous forest.


Associated species:

Bleeding heart can be found in Pseudotsuga menziesii and Tsuga heterophylla forests.


May be collected as:

Bleeding heart may be collected as bare roots, corms, cuttings, tubers, and seed. Note that seed abundance per plant in low.


Collection restrictions or guidelines:

No restrictions found.


Seed germination:

Cold stratification for three months required.



Seed life:

Seeds may be stored for up to four years.


Recommended seed storage conditions:

Store seeds at 3-5 C in seal containers.


Propagation recommendations:

Plants maybe propagated from seed but there in better success using hard wood cuttings.


Soil or medium requirements:

pH between 5.5-6.0 Adapted to all soil types but has low to no tolerance for salinity or anaerobic conditions.

Installation form (form, potential for successful outcomes, cost)


Recommended planting density

Planting density from 11000-24000 per acre


Care requirements after installed (water weekly, water once etc.)

Low water requirements but it needs a minimum of 200 frost free days.


Normal rate of growth or spread and lifespan:

Bleeding heart has a rapid growth rate with moderate spread and short overall life span.


Sources cited:

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services

Native Species Plant Guide for Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Reserve

Washington Native Plant Society

UW Herbarium



Data compiled by

Nancy Toenyan

May 11, 2006