Image from USDA Plants
Plant Data Sheet: American Threesquare
(Schoenoplectus pungens/ Scirpus americanus)
American threesquare is common
throughout the world, including the
Climate, elevation
American threesquare may be found at low elevations.4
Local occurrence (where, how
American threesquare occurs in the
following counties of
Habitat preferences
American threesquare does not tolerate high salinity, so it may be found in fresh, low salt and brackish marshes.4,7 It prefers semi-shade to no shade.3
Plant strategy type/successional stage (stress-tolerator,
competitor, weedy/colonizer, seral, late successional)
American threesquare is both an obligate climax species and initial community species.1
Associated species
American threesquare is found associated with smooth cordgrass, seaside arrowgrass, and Lynby’s sedge.7
May be
collected as: (seed, layered, divisions, etc.)
American threesquare may be collected as seed or divisions.6
Collection restrictions or
Divisions and rhizomes may be collected in the spring.5 Seeds may be collected when fruiting ends from August to September.3,6
Seed germination (needs
dormancy breaking?)
Ripe seeds will usually germinate quickly when sown in a cold frame in a pot of ~3 centimeters of water.3
Seed life (can be stored,
short shelf-life, long shelf-life)
Information on seed life was not available.
Recommended seed storage
Information on seed storage was not available.
Propagation recommendations
(plant seeds, vegetative parts, cuttings, etc.)
Successful propagation may occur from seeds and divisions. Larger divisions may be planted immediately, but smaller ones should be allowed to grow more before planting.3
Soil or
medium requirements (inoculum necessary?)
American threesquare requires sandy, loamy, and clay soils; acid, neutral, and alkaline soils will all work.3
Installation form (form,
potential for successful outcomes, cost)
Install as seedlings or divisions. 3
Recommended planting density
It is recommended that related species that grow the same height be planted at 12-15 inch (30-38 centimeters) intervals.8
Care requirements after
installed (water weekly, water once etc.)
American threesquare must be kept at water depths 2-4 inches above the soil surface for 3-4 weeks after planting.1 Be careful to discourage goose herbivory by using fencing or some other innovative technique.
Normal rate of growth or
spread; lifespan
American threesquare can grow to a height of 0.6 meters.3
Sources cited
(1) Fire
Effects Information System,
(2) Hitchcock,
C.L. and Cronquist, A. Flora of the
(3) Plants for a Future. Retrieved April 12, 2006.
(4) Pojar, J. and MacKinnon, A.
Plants of the
(5) Thompson,
Peter. Creative Propagation, 2nd
Edition. Timber Press (
(6) USDA,
NRCS. 2006. The
Plants Database, 6 March 2006 (
(7) Weinman, F, et al. Wetland Plants of the
(8) Whitinger, Dave. Dave’s Garden. Retrieved April 24, 2006.
Data compiled by (student
name and date)
Joy Wood 5/8/06