Plant Data Sheet


Species (common name, Latin name)

Thimbleberry, Rubus parviflorus



Alaska to California and into northern Mexico; east to the Great Lakes States. (Rook, 2002)


Climate, elevation

Low elevations in the north, low to sub-alpine elevations in the south. (Pojar and MacKinnon, 1994); up to 2000-2700m (Rose et al., 1998)


Local occurrence (where, how common)

Open sites (clearings, road edges, shorelines, avalanche tracks) or open forest-often red

alder (Pojar and MacKinnon, 1994); 2100m in P.N.W. (Rose et al., 1998)


Habitat preferences

Moist to dry, wooded to open sites. Along streamsides and canyons, on borders and roadsides. Abundant on disturbed sites within forest canopy as scattered individuals; although some areas of dense stands. (Rook, 2002)


Plant strategy type/successional stage (stress-tolerator, competitor, weedy/colonizer, seral, late successional)

Persitent succesional species, dominates understory during first several decades after disturbance, especially fire. (Rook, 2002)


Associated species

Populus tremuloides, Linnaea borealis, Ribes oxyacanthoides, Salix spp., Chamerion angustifolium, Lupinus spp., Pteridium aquilinum. (Rook, 2002)


May be collected as: (seed, layered, divisions, etc.)

Seed, vegetatively-cuttings or rhizomes (Rook, 2002)


Collection restrictions or guidelines

Fruit/seed production= spring to summer-especially August- (VegSpec, 2003); collect seed before or as soon as berries are ripe (Rose et al., 1998)


Seed germination (needs dormancy breaking?)

Seeds have hard, impermeable endocarp and dormant embryo-germination is often slow. Exposure to sulfuric acid solutions or sodium hyperchlorite prior to cold stratification increases germination. (Rook, 2002)


Recommended seed storage conditions

Store damp in refrigerator over winter, sow in February-low humidity for longer storage periods. (Rose et al., 1998)


Propagation recommendations (plant seeds, vegetative parts, cuttings, etc.)

Specific germination requirements have not yet been documented. Warm (68-86°) and cold (36-41°F for an additional 90 days) stratification recommended. Vegetatively propagated by stem cuttings or dormant rhizome fragments. (Rook, 2002); hardwood cuttings easily establish (Leigh, 1999).


Soil or medium requirements (inoculum necessary?)

In standard potting mix. (Rose et al., 1998)


Installation form (form, potential for successful outcomes, cost)

6”-18”, 2-gallon. (4th Corners Nurseries, 2003)


Recommended planting density

Per acre=1200 (min.) to 4800(max.) (VegSpec, 2003)


Care requirements after installed (water weekly, water once etc.)

Adequate soil moisture on loam or clay-loam, nitrogen demanding. (Rook, 2002)


Normal rate of growth or spread; lifespan

2-10 ft. (Leigh, 1999)


Sources cited

1) Fourth Corner Nurseries.; April 7, 2003


2) Leigh, Michael. Grow Your Own Native Landscape. Native Plant Salvage Project, WSU Cooperative Extension-Thurston County. Revised ed. June 1999.


3) Pojar, Jim and Andy MacKinnon. Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast-Washington, Oregon, British Columbia and Alaska. B.C. Minisrty of Forest and Lone Pine Publishing. 1994.


4) Rook, Earl. Plants of the North. September 27, 2002.


5) Rose, Robin, Caryn Chachulski, and Diane Haase. Propagation of Pacific Norhtwest Native Plants. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, OR. 1998.


6) VegSpec. Phil Smith, Project Manager., USDA, Natural Resource Conservation Service. April 7, 2003.


Data compiled by (student name and date)

Scott Olmsted; 040703