Plant Data Sheet


















Species: Tiarella trifoliata, foam flower


Range: Alaska to California, east to Alberta, Montana, Idaho (1)


Climate, elevation: Sea level to mid-montane (1); below 3,500’ (6)


Local occurrence: Stevens Pass (4), Mount Rainier National Park, Nisqually entrance (6)


Habitat preferences: damp, dense forests (2); coniferous forests, stream banks, seepage areas (3)


Plant strategy type/successional stage: Understory species (6); rhizomatous perennial herb (7); spreads by seed after disturbance (10)


Associated species: Cedar/Devil’s club (1), Douglas fir/Mountain hemlock (8)


May be collected as: Seed or whole plant (1)


Collection restrictions or guidelines: Collect seeds in paper bags at the end of summer or early fall as capsules start to open. Screen to remove seeds from capsules (1); Bloom ends in August (5); Divide plants in early spring or fall (9)


Seed germination: Seeds require 5 month outdoor cold moist stratification to break physiological dormancy. Sow seeds directly on soil surface. (1)


Seed life: Unknown


Recommended seed storage conditions:  Store in a drying shed with ventilation before cleaning (1)


Propagation recommendations (plant seeds, vegetative parts, cuttings, etc.): Seeds or divided nursery plants (1) 


Soil or medium requirements: Unknown


Installation form: Plugs (1)


Recommended planting density: Unknown


Care requirements after installed (water weekly, water once etc.):  Water frequently, plant in shade (11)


Normal rate of growth or spread; lifespan: Unkown


Sources cited:


1. Native Plant Network:


2. Washington Native Plant Society:


3. Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast: Washington, Oregon, British Columbia & Alaska.  Jim Pojar and Andy Mackinnon.  (Vancouver, BC: Lone Pine Publishing, 1994)


4. Central Washington Native Plants:


5.  Burke Museum Herbarium


6. Flora of Mount Rainier National Park. David Biek. (Corvallis: Oregon University Press, 2000)


7. California Native Plant Link Exchange


8. Washington Dept. of Natural Resources:


9. Rock Garden Plants Database:


10. “Seedling Establishment in Forests Affected by Tephra from Mount St. Helens.” Joseph A. Antos; Donald B. Zobel. American Journal of Botany, Vol. 73, No. 4. (Apr., 1986), pp. 495-499.


11. Las Pilitas Nursery:


Data compiled by Deborah Brown, April 13, 2006