In The Real Cost of Cheap Food, Michael Carolan argues that “free trade is rarely fair” for smallholder farmers competing in the globalized food marketplace. The Fair Trade movement has risen in the last decade as a means of leveling the playing field for the developing world in trade relations. Seattle’s Theo Chocolate is a Fair Trade, bean-to-bar chocolate maker… Read more »
I am hoping this is the appropriate location for me to be making such a post. Holy classmates, I am well behind and catching up. Due to some sicknesses in the family, I have been distracted, but never fear, I will be running at pace beside you all soon. Until then here is my initial participation for week 1: I… Read more »
Human behavior towards the environment has allowed masses of natural habitats to change towards human needs. This current state of affairs is referred to as the Anthropocene epoch which scientists, geologists, sociologists, anthropologists and environmentalists all acknowledge that this is a stage which we have entered gradually, and which has a huge impact on our lives. The Anthropocene is a… Read more »
Michael Pollan’s In Defense of Food is no doubt an interesting read that pulls back the curtain on the modern world’s obsession with nutritionism. He illuminates where the food industry has seemingly herded the masses into a rabbit hole of misinformation and reductionist thinking. Pollan presents a solid argument into seeing food as a holistic, synergistic process that ties… Read more »
Michael Pollan examines the rise of the concept of “nutritionism” and how it’s shaped our habits, attitudes, and relationship with food. He implies that this modern concept of eating stresses a reductionist perspective; that nutrition is not about a whole food, but it’s individual parts. Some of those parts are unhealthy, yes, but Americans do not need to shop only… Read more »
Having previously learned anatomy and physiology while studying nursing, this crash course in systems theory reminded me of the complicated interconnections of the inner workings of the human body. When Western medicine attempts to use drugs as proxies to replace, enhance, or repress failing systems without looking holistically at the patient, while the patient may get some relief, the… Read more »
In Michael Pollan’s book, In Defense of Food, he makes a case for why we should get back to eating like our great-great grandparents. The trendiness that has overcome the food industry has made us eat food that isn’t actually good for us just convenient for the food marketers and the journalists to promote. One of the fads that he… Read more »
This week’s explanation of our country’s Farm Bill touches on how our diet, welfare programs, and transportation are all directly effected by government administration. At first glance, one may notice that these characteristics make up a majority of this nation’s interests. Food for example, is more than just a life necessity, it’s also a social lubricant, thriving business, and leverage… Read more »
My primary takeaway from the course material this week was a greater understanding of the special interests and their interrelationships which have profoundly affected the American diet. The term “revolving door” comes to mind, interestingly so, as this term generally evokes images of the way industries such as finance and energy profoundly influence policymaking. In this case, however, the part… Read more »
This week’s lesson got our feet wet thinking about how food is produced, and naturally I wondered about the food I bought and ate. One food that especially stood out to me was rice, a staple of my diet since I was a child. I thought about where the rice I eat was coming from and how it got to… Read more »