I came into this class feeling extremely confident that my “superior” consumption habits (vegetarian, “local”, participating in a CSA, having a small garden, frequenting the farmers market, etc.) would set me up well for success, at least on the surface. I anticipated being very validated in my amazingly informed choices. It took the first reading Pollan’s book, which I was unable to put down and finished in one sitting, to flip this perception. Of course, I learned the great depths of systems that interact with the world food industry and how dynamic and widespread these are, but my own major take away is the influence on my personal food choices. I also came in with the idea that holistic, systemic, political change is what will save us — the food, the environment, etc.; however, I also now have a different opinion in this regard as well. It seems, like in most movements, change is individual, at least it begins and maintains individuality for a significant amount of time before seeing more widespread effect. The real, tangible difference this class has made on my daily life is significant and unlike most (or any) other classes I’ve taken.