Politics and land are an inseparable combination. Humans, from the dawn of agriculture to modern day, have viewed land as property to be acquired and controlled. In the pre-Civil War US, a political party called the Free-Soil Party (1848-54) ran on a platform opposing expansion of slavery and also called for free land to be given to those who would settle… Read more »
In sharing the ancient practices used to harvest rain in India’s Golden Desert, and the ‘unwritten bylaws’ that have protected this supply for centuries, Anupam Mishram reminds us that violent conflict is not inevitable in the face of resource scarcity—humans can and have responded with collaborative ingenuity. Similarly, Gidon Bromberg of Eco Peace Middle East suggests that protecting the planet… Read more »
Week nine’s information about meat and seeds caused me to reflect upon my own beliefs, practices, and ideas. I became very interested in food and its effect on my health in December 2016, when my sister-in-law’s father-in-law was diagnosed with stage III cancer. Before that, both of my grandfathers had been diagnosed with cancer and one had passed away while… Read more »