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feeding skills and behaviors

assessment of feeding skills

influence of special health care needs

management of tube feedings

making clinical decisions


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Scenario 2 - continued

You explain your concerns about the home blended formula to Frank’s mother:

  • The nutrient composition may not meet Frank’s nutrient needs
  • Food safety – use of a raw egg
  • Inappropriate nutrient composition – e.g., energy, protein, vitamins, minerals, fluid
  • Need for supplements to meet micronutrient needs
  • Problems with tube clogging because of viscosity of formula

Frank’s parents would like to use the home-prepared formula, if possible. You tell them that you will work with them to see if a blenderized formula is possible.

You calculate Frank’s intake based on the blenderized formula, and it is adequate for fluid, energy, protein, calcium, iron, and other vitamins and minerals. Mom reports that they have not had problems with tube clogging. The decision is made that Frank’s family will use either the blenderized recipe or a standard pediatric recipe.

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