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feeding skills and behaviors

assessment of feeding skills

influence of special health care needs

management of tube feedings

making clinical decisions


for more information

For More Information About the Management of Tube Feedings

Human Milk and Pediatric Formula Update. Hattner J. Human Milk and Pediatric formula Update. Nutrition Focus 2011 26(3). This issue describes some of the commercial formulas available for infants and children. To order, visit

Enteral Feeding. Pederson A. Enteral feeding (Tube feeding). In: Yang Y, et al. Nutrition Interventions for Children with Special Health Care Needs. Washington State Department of Health. 2010. This chapter reviews many of the medications (and the medication-nutrient interactions that may be present) commonly used in the treatment of children with special health care needs. The publication can be downloaded from the WA DOH website:

Enteral Management of Children with Special Health Care Needs. Murray P, Lansing G, Weston S. Enteral management of children with special health care needs. Nutrition Focus, 2006 21(4). To order, visit To order, visit

Tube Feeding Update. Pederson A. Tube feeding update. Nutrition Focus, 2002; 17(6).

Practical Tips for Tube Feeding. Frederick A. Practical tips for tube feeding. Nutrition Focus, 2003; 18(1).

Helping Children who are Tube-fed Learn to Eat. Glass RP, Nowak-Cooperman KM. Helping children who are tube-fed learn to eat. Nutrition Focus, 2003; 18(2).

This is a series of three issues related to tube feeding for infants, children, and adolescents. To order, visit

Technical Aspects of Enteral Feeding. Pederson A. Technical aspects of enteral feeding. In: Yang Y, et al. Nutrition Interventions for Children with Special Health Care Needs. Washington State Department of Health. 2010. This chapter reviews many of the medications (and the medication-nutrient interactions that may be present) commonly used in the treatment of children with special health care needs. The publication can be downloaded from the WA DOH website:

Non-oral Enteral Feedings. Baer MT, Kreutzer CB, Wills LH, Leatham MK.. Chapter 4: Non-oral enteral feeding. In: DeVore J, Shotton A, eds. Pocket Guide to Children with Special Health Care and Nutritional Needs. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2012. Order online:

Homemade Blenderized Tube Feeding. Duperret E, Trautlein J, Klein MD. Homemade blenderized tube feeding. Nutrition Focus, 2004; 19(5). To order, visit

Homemade Blended Formula Handbook. Klein MD, Morris SE. Homemade Blended Formula Handbook. Mealtime Notions. This collection of 35 chapters and 16 food reference charts was designed to be a reference and “how to” for parents and professionals who are using a homemade blended diet for tube feeding. To order, visit


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