Consent Form

We are asking you to be in a research study to evaluate the usability of a visualization tool for Wikipedia collaborator finding. The purpose of this consent form is to give you the information you will need to help you decide whether to be in the study or not. Please read this carefully. You may ask questions about the purpose of the research, what we would ask you to do, the possible risks and benefits, your rights as a volunteer, and anything else about the research or this form that is not clear. When we have answered all your questions, you can decide if you want to be in the study or not. This process is called "informed consent."

The purpose of this study is to understand how Wikipedia editors find their collaborators, and to measure the usability of a visualization tool for Wikipedia collaborator finder that enables users to know about potential collaborators and their status. This study will help us determine the nature of Wikipedia collaborator finding, and also give us how the usability of the tool can be improved.

If you decide to participate in the study, we will start to have a session via online video. This appointment will last about one hour. During the study you will be asked some basic questions about your experiences and your feelings about our visualization tool. And you will perform tasks that are related to collaborator finding in Wikipedia. You must be an experienced and registered editor to participate in the study. At any point you may pause or stop the study by simply letting the researcher know of your wishes.

There are the normal risks associated with the use of a computer and mouse. If at any point during the study you feel discomfort, simply let the researcher know and the procedure will be paused or stopped based on your wishes. We will not record your face, but we will record the session on your screen and your voice.

There is no foreseeable direct benefit to you for participating in this research, although there may be a benefit to society if this study contributes to improving usability of Wikipedia collaborator finding

Media Recording
If you participate in this research, your session will be recorded using a computer program, video chatting include voice will be stored. This information will be stored on a password-protected computer. We will not use your actual name during the recording.

Data Collection
Data collected during the study will include answers to task questions, information from survey forms, as well as actions or comments made during a task. Data collected by the researcher will not be connected to any personal identifying information when reporting results of the study, though we may maintain participant user names within the research group for up to 24 months.

Other Information
We will do everything possible to maintain the confidentiality of your information. Videos, software data and survey data will be linked with a session number. Video recordings will be kept for no longer than five years. All study data will be maintained on password-protected computers associated with the research team. Session numbers rather than user names will be used to identify data files.
$10 gift card voucher will be given to you at the end of the session via email.
Your participation in this research is voluntary. You are free to refuse to take part. You may refuse to answer any questions and may stop taking part in the study at any time. Refusal to participate in all or part of the study will have no consequence for your relationship with Wikipedia.

Subject's Statement
This study has been explained to me. I volunteer to take part in this research. I have had a chance to ask questions. If I have questions later about the research, I can ask one of the researchers listed above. If I have questions about my rights as a research subject, I can call the UW Human Subjects Division at (206) 543-0098.

If you agree to take part in the research, please click the button below to proceed. This will indicate your consent to participate in the study.