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Number 359
April 25, 2005

This report officially records the actions of the University of Washington Curriculum Review Committee. The Committee meets September through June to consider applications for curriculum changes submitted by the schools and colleges of the University of Washington.

This report also announces the actions of the Faculty Council of Academic Standards and the Board of Regents regarding program and degree changes.

Course Change Applications received after the deadline for the specified quarter will be considered for the next quarter for which the deadline has not passed. New courses can be added to the curriculum after the deadline.

Applications must be received in the University Curriculum Office, 248 Schmitz, Box 355850, by 5 pm on the deadline date. For courses offered jointly by more than one school or college, an application from each school or college must be received by the University Curriculum Office by the deadline date.

Please address any questions regarding the curriculum process at the University of Washington to the university curriculum office at



Number, PrefixTitle, Credits, Short TitleAction
Program on Environmental Studies (1014)
ENVIR 380Study Abroad: Comparative International Perspectives on Cities and the Environment (15) COMP INTL CITY ENVR. Offered jointly with TEST/T URB 380. Effective WIN/2006.
Center for Statistics and Social Sciences (1029)
CS&SS 527Survey Research Methods (4) SURVEY RES METHODS. Joint with ENV H 527/HSERV 527.Effective AUT/2005.
Classics (0118)
CLAS 540Topics in Greek and Latin Literary History (5) GRK/LAT LIT HIST. Effective AUT/2005.
Music (0217)
MUSIC 429String Orchestral Repertoire (2, max. 18) STRING ORCH REPTOIR. Effective AUT/2005.
Near Eastern Language and Civilization (0123)
HEBR 457Hebrew in Song (3) HEBREW IN SONG. Effective AUT/2005.
Psychology (0262)
PSYCH 535Scientific Writing in Psychology (5, max. 10) SCNTIFIC WRITING PSY. Credit/no credit only. Effective AUT/2005.
Romance Languages and Literature (0264)
SPAN 210Accelerated Intermediate Spanish (10) ACCELEARTED INTERM. Effective AUT/2005.
SPAN 310Accelerated Intermediate-Advanced Grammar and Lexicon (10) ACCELEARTED INTERM. Effective AUT/2005.
Slavic Languages and Literature (0163)
RUSS 110Introduction to Russian Culture and Civilization (5) INTRO RUSS CUL/CIV. Effective AUT/2005.
RUSS 120Topics in Russian Literary and Cultural History (5) INTRO RUSS LIT&CUL HIST. Effective WIN/2006.
SLAV 223Russian and East European Cinema (5) RUSS/EAST EURO CIN. Effective AUT/2005.
Business Administration (0300)
I BUS 572Cross-Cultural Conversations on Contemporary Issues (1, max. 4) CROSS-CLTRL ISSUES. Credit/no credit only. Effective AUT/2005.
Aeronautics and Astronautics (0400)
A A 593Feedforward Control (3) FEEDFORWARD CONTROL. Offered jointly with E E/ M E 593. Effective SPR/2006.
Civil and Environmental Engineering (0403)
CEE 424GIS for Civil Engineers (3) GIS FOR CIVIL ENGRS. Effective AUT/2005.
Electrical Engineering (0410)
E E 593Feedforward Control (3) FEEDFORWARD CONTROL. Offered jointly with A A/ M E 593. Effective SPR/2006.
Mechanical Engineering (0419)
M E 593Feedforward Control (3) FEEDFORWARD CONTROL. Offered jointly with A A/ E E 593. Effective SPR/2006.
ITA 340Introduction to Web Publishing (3) INTRO WEB PUBLSHNG. Requests DL suffix. Effective AUT/2005.
ITA 341Client-side Scripting and Design (3) CLIENT-SIDE SCRIPT. Requests DL suffix. Effective AUT/2005.
ITA 342Introduction to SQL and Data Storage Technologies (3) SQL. Requests DL suffix. Effective AUT/2005.
ITA 343Server-Side Programming and Web-Data Integration (3) SERVER PROGMNG. Requests DL suffix. Effective AUT/2005.
LIS 462Skills Approach to Information, Communications, and Technology (ICT) Literacy (3) SKLS APRCH INFO/COM. Requests DL suffix. Effective AUT/2005.
Nursing (0552)
NSG 508Introduction to Ergonomics (3) INTRO ERGONOMICS. Offered jointly with ENV H 566/IND E 566. Effective WIN/2006.
Pharmacy (0610)
PHARM 421Foundations and Principles of Pharmacy Education (2) FNDN & PRIN PHRM ED. Effective AUT/2005.
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences (0702)
ENV H 527Survey Research Methods (4) SURVEY RES METHODS. Joint with HSERV 527/CS&SS 527.Effective AUT/2005.
Health Services (0706)
HSERV 527Survey Research Methods (4) SURVEY RES METHODS. Joint with ENV H 527/CS&SS 527.Effective AUT/2005.
Computing and Software Systems (1023)
T INST 310Computational Problem Solving (5) COMP PROB SOLV. Effective AUT/2005.
T INST 311Database Management and Data Analysis (5) DATA MGMT ANALYSIS. Effective AUT/2005.
T INST 312Computer Networks and the Internet (5) COMPTR NET INTERNET. Effective AUT/2005.
Education (0975)
T EDSP 584Special Education Seminar (1-3, max. 6) SPECIAL ED SEMINAR. Temp new course. Effective SPR/2005-WIN/2006.
T EDSP 585Special Education Student Teaching (1-12, max. 12) SP ED STUDENT TCHNG. Credit/no credit only. Temp new course. Effective SPR/2005-WIN/2006.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0963)
TEST 380Study Abroad: Comparative International Perspectives on Cities and the Environment (15) COMP INTL CITY ENVR. Offered jointly with ENVIR/T URB 380. Effective WIN/2006.
TCXG 404Art in a Time of War (5) ART IN TIME OF WAR. Effective WIN/2006.
TCXG 405Cultural Identity and Art (5) CULT IDENT & ART. Effective SPR/2006.
TIBCIN 390Preparation for Study Abroad (1-5, max. 5) PRE STUDY ABROAD. Credit/no credit only. Effective AUT/2005.
Nursing (0970)
T HLTH 425Violence in Intimate Partner Relationships (5) INT PARTNR VIOLENCE. Effective AUT/2005.
T HLTH 525Violence in Intimate Partner Relationships (5) INT PARTNR VIOLENCE. Effective AUT/2005.
Social Work (1019)
TSOCWF 352Women in the Criminal Justice System (5) WOMEN CRIM JUSTICE. Extension of temporary course. SUM/2005-SUM/2005.
Urban Studies (1031)
T URB 380Study Abroad: Comparative International Perspectives on Cities and the Environment (15) COMP INTL CITY ENVR. Offered jointly with ENVIR/TEST 380. Effective WIN/2006.


Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
The Faculty Council of Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised requirements for a minor in Jewish Studies.Effective SPR/2005.


Number, PrefixTitle, Credits, Short TitleAction
Biology (0112)
BIOL 408Mechanisms of Animal Behavior (4) MECH OF ANML BEHAV. Offered jointly with PSYCH 408. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2005.
Classics (0118)
CLAS 430Greek and Roman Mythology (3-5, max. 5) GRK & ROM MYTHOLOGY. Requests DL suffix. Effective SUM/2005.
Communication (1035)
COM 304The Press and Politics in the United States (5) AM PRESS & POLITICS. Offered jointly with POL S 304. Requests DL suffix. Effective SUM/2005.
COM 440Mass Media Law (5) MASS MEDIA LAW. Offered jointly with POL S 461. Requests DL suffix. Effective SUM/2005.
COM 529Research Strategies and Methodologies in Digital Media (5) RSRCH DIGITAL MEDIA. Change effective date to WIN/2002.
COM 546Evolution and trends in Digital Media (5) EVOLU DIGITAL MEDIA. Change effective date to WIN/2002.
COM 558Digital Media Law and Policy (5) U S DGTL MEDIA LAW. Change effective date to WIN/2002.
COM 585Digital Media Message Design and Content Creation (5) MEDIA MESSAGE DESIGN. Change effective date to WIN/2002.
COM 586Writing and Presentation for Digital Media (5) DIGTL MEDIA WRITING. Change effective date to WIN/2002.
COM 587Digital Media Economics and Management (5) DIGTL MEDIA MGMT. Change effective date to WIN/2002.
COM 588Digital Media Branding and Marketing (5) DIGTL MEDIA MKTG. Change effective date to WIN/2002.
COM 589Global Digital Media Law, Policy and Ethics (5) GLOBAL DIGTL POLICY. Change effective date to WIN/2002.
Comparative Literature (0132)
C LIT 312History of Film: 1960 to 1988 (5) FILM HIST:1960-1988. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2005.
English (0136)
ENGL 229English Literary Culture 1600-1800 (5) ENGL LIT:1600-1800. Requests DL suffix. Effective SUM/2005.
ENGL 281Intermediate Expository Writing (5) INTERMED EXPOS WRIT. Requests DL suffix. Effective SUM/2005.
ENGL 310The Bible as Literature (5) BIBLE AS LITERATRUE. Requests DL suffix. Effective SUM/2005.
ENGL 323Shakespeare to 1603 (5) SHAKESPEARE TO 1603. Requests DL suffix. Effective SUM/2005.
ENGL 333The English Novel: Early and Middle 19th Century (5) ENGLISH NOVEL. Requests DL suffix. Effective SUM/2005.
ENGL 353American Literature: Later Nineteenth Century (5) AMER LIT LATER 19C. Requests DL suffix. Effective SUM/2005.
History (0193)
HSTAA 101Survey of the History of the United States (5) SURV HIST OF US. Request DL suffix. Effective SUM/2005.
HSTAS 423History of Modern Japan (5) SURV HIST MODERN JAPAN. Offered jointly with SISEA 423. Request DL suffix. Effective SUM/2005.
Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
EURO 445War and Occupation in Northern Europe: History, Fiction, and Memoir (5) WAR/OCCUPATN N. EUR. Offered jointly with SCAND 445. Change joint responsible dept. Effective AUT/2005
SISEA 423History of Modern Japan (5) SURV HIST MODERN JAPAN. Offered jointly with HSTAS 423. Request DL suffix. Effective SUM/2005.
Linguistics (0203)
LING 200Introduction to Linguistic Thought (5) INRO LING THOUGHT. Requests DL suffix. Effective SUM/2005.
LING 402Survey of the History of Linguistics (3) HIST OF LINGUISITCS. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2005.
LING 522Topics in the History of Linguistics (3) TOPICS HIST OF LING. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2005.
Philosophy (0221)
PHIL 120Introduction to Logic (5) INRO TO LOGIC. Requests DL suffix. Effective SUM/2005.
Political Science (0244)
POL S 101Introduction to Politics (5) INTRO TO POLITICS. Requests DL suffix. Effective SUM/2005.
POL S 304The Press and Politics in the United States (5) AM PRESS & POLITICS. Offered jointly with COM 304. Requests DL suffix. Effective SUM/2005.
POL S 461Mass Media Law (5) MASS MEDIA LAW. Offered jointly with COM 440. Requests DL suffix. Effective SUM/2005.
Psychology (0262)
PSYCH 406Insect Behavior (4) INSECT BEHAVR. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2005.
PSYCH 408Mechanisms of Animal Behavior (4) MECH OF ANML BEHAV. Offered jointly with BIOL 408. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2005.
PSYCH 416Animal Communication (5) ANIML COMMUNICATION. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2005.
PSYCH 419Behavior Studies of Zoo Animals (5, max. 10) ZOO ANIMAL BEHAVR. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2005.
Scandinavian Languages and Literature (0281)
SCAND 445War and Occupation in Northern Europe: History, Fiction, and Memoir (5) WAR/OCCUPATN N. EUR. Offered jointly with EURO 445. Change joint responsible dept. Effective AUT/2005
Business Administration (0300)
FIN 509Foundations of Asset Valuation (2) FOUND ASSET VAL. Change prerequisite. Effective SPR/2006.
I S 580 Advanced Research Topics in Information Systems I (4) ADV RSRCH TOPICS I. Change number, titles, description. Effective AUT/2005.
I S 581 Advanced Research Topics in Information Systems II (4) ADV RSRCH TOPICS II. Change number, titles, description. Effective AUT/2005.
I S 582 Advanced Research Topics in Information Systems III (4) ADV RSRCH TOPICS III. Change number, titles, description. Effective AUT/2005.
Aeronautics and Astronautics (0400)
A A 583Nonlinear Control Systems (3) NONLINAR CNTRL SYST. Change joint status, description, prerequisite. Offered jointly with E E/M E 583. Effective AUT/2005.
A A 589Special Topics in Solid Mechanics (4) SPEC TPCS SOLID MECH. Change number. Effective AUT/2005.
Civil and Environmental Engineering (0403)
CEE 462Applied Limnology and Pollutant Effects on Freshwater (3-5, max. 5) APPL LIMNLOGY EFFCT. Change joint status. Effective AUT/2005.
Electrical Engineering (0410)
E E 583Nonlinear Control Systems (3) NONLINAR CNTRL SYST. Change joint status, description, prerequisite. Offered jointly with M E/A A 583. Effective AUT/2005.
Industrial Engineering (0418)
IND E 566Introduction to Ergonomics (3) INTRO ERGONOMICS. Offered jointly with ENV H 566/NSG 508. Change joint status, description. Effective WIN/2006.
Mechanical Engineering (0419)
M E 583Nonlinear Control Systems (3) NONLINAR CNTRL SYST. Change joint status, description, prerequisite. Offered jointly with E E/A A 583. Effective AUT/2005.
The Information School (0671)
LIS 528Health Sciences Information Needs, Resources and Environment (3) HLTH SCI INFO. Offered jointly with MEDED 570. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2005.
Genome Sciences (1040)
GENOME 371Introductory Genetics (5) INTRO GENETICS. Change description. Effective AUT/2005.
Medical Education (0918)
MEDED 570Health Sciences Information Needs, Resources and Environment (3) HLTH SCI INFO. Offered jointly with LIS 528. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2005.
Pharmacy (0610)
PHARM 440Human Behavior and Communication in Pharmacy (3) HUM BEH & CMU PHARM. Change titles. Effective SPR/2006.
Environmental Health (0702)
ENV H 566Introduction to Ergonomics (3) INTRO ERGONOMICS. Offered jointly with IND E 566/NSG 508. Change joint status, description. Effective WIN/2006.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0963)
TPSYCH 320Race, Class, and Gender Contexts of Child Development (5) RACE/CLASS&DEVLPMNT. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2005.
Nursing (0970)
T NURS 527Health Care Systems and Health Policy (3-4, max. 4) HLTH CARE SYS & POL. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2005.

