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June 19, 2012

This report officially records the actions of the University of Washington Curriculum Review Committee. The Committee meets September through June to consider applications for curriculum changes submitted by the schools and colleges of the University of Washington.

This report also announces the actions of the Faculty Council of Academic Standards and the Board of Regents regarding program and degree changes.

Course Change Applications received after the deadline for the specified quarter will be considered for the next quarter for which the deadline has not passed. New courses can be added to the curriculum after the deadline.

Applications must be received in the University Curriculum Office, 248 Schmitz, Box 355850, by 5 pm on the deadline date. For courses offered jointly by more than one school or college, an application from each school or college must be received by the University Curriculum Office by the deadline date.

Please address any questions regarding the curriculum process at the University of Washington to the university curriculum office at
The next Curriculum Meeting is scheduled to be held on August 21, 2012. The deadline for applications is noon on July 3, 2012.



Anthropology (0102)
ARCHY 319 Archaeology of Australia (5) AUSTRALIAN ARCHY. - Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
ARCHY 486 Geoarchaeology Laboratory (5) GEOARCH LAB. - Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
ARCHY 599 Teaching Archaeology (2-6, max. 12) TEACHING ARCHY. - Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
BIO A 423 Social Networks and Health (5) SOC NETS & HEALTH. Add to MAGH list Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
Applied Mathematics (0208)
AMATH 547 Credit Risk Management (4) CREDIT RISK MGMT. Initial DL through WIN/2016; Add to CFRM Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
AMATH 548 Monte Carlo Methods in Finance (4) MONTECARLO MTHD FIN. Initial DL through WIN/2016; Add to CFRM Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
AMATH 555 Optimization Methods in Finance (4) OPTIMIZATN MTHD FIN. Initial DL through WIN/2016; add to CFRM Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
Biology (0112)
BIOL 380 Biomedical Advances and Society (3) BIOMEDICAL ADVANCES. - Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
BIOL 555 Introduction to Graduate Research in Paleobiology (1) GRAD PALEOBIO RES. CR/NC; joint with ESS 558 Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
Dance (0133)
DANCE 290 Forces and Figures in American Jazz Dance (3) AMER JAZZ DANCE. Conversion of Temporary Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
DANCE 414 Dance Research Symposium (1) RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM. CR/NC; Add to Dance Creative studies, Dance Studies, Dance minor Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
DANCE 514 Dance Research Symposium (1) RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM. CR/NC Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
Geography (0188)
GEOG 381 Maps and Health (5) MAPS AND HEALTH. See application for Approved lists Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
JSIS A 270 Native Peoples of the Pacific Northwest (5) NATIV PEOPLE PAC NW. Joint with AIS 270. Effective SPR/2012. Approved.
JSIS A 422 First Nations Filmmaking in Canada (5) 1ST NATN FILMMAKING. Joint with AIS 465. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
JSIS A 426 First Nations Government and Politics in Canada (5) FIRST NAT GOV&POLIT. Joint with AIS 461 Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
Law, Societies, and Justice (1057)
LSJ 329 Immigration, Citizenship, and Rights (5) IMMIG CITIZEN RGHTS. Add to "rights" list for LSJ major and minor Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
LSJ 426 Reconciliation: The Politics of Forgiveness in a Global Age (5) RECONCILIATION. Add to "rights" list for LSJ major and minor Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
Music (0217)
MUSIC 394 Instrumentation (3) INSTRUMENTATION. - Effective AUT/2013. Approved.
MUSIC 437 Studio Class (2, max. 24) STUDIO CLASS. - Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
Philosophy (0221)
VALUES 291 Ethical Issues in the Non-Medical Sciences (3) ETHICS IN SCIENCE. - Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
VALUES 591 Ethics Matters in Science: Research Questions as Moral Question (3) ETHICS MATTERS IN SCI. - Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
Psychology (0262)
PSYCH 299 Psychology Transfer Academic Community (2) PSYCH TRAC. CR/NC; Temporary Effective AUT/2012 only. Approved.
Landscape Architecture (0053)
LARCH 702 Capstone Project Studio (6) CAPSTONE STUDIO. - Effective AUT/2013. Approved.
Urban Design and Planning (0050)
CEP 400 Governance Practicum (1, max. 6) GOV PRACTICUM. CR/NC Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
CEP 490 Senior Project Prep Seminar I: Research and Project Scoping (1-3) SENIOR PROJECT I. CR/NC Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
CEP 491 Senior Project Prep Seminar II: Methods and Actualization (1-3) SENIOR PROJECT II. CR/NC Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
Education (0351)
ECFS 499 Undergraduate Research (1-5, max. 15) UNDERGRAD RESEARCH. CR/NC Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
Civil and Environmental Engineering (0403)
CEE 307 Construction Engineering (5) CONSTRUCTION ENGR. - Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
CEE 317 GeoSurveying (5) GEOSURVEYING. - Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
CEE 327 Transportation Engineering (5) TRANSPORTATION ENGR. - Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
CEE 337 Construction Materials (5) CONSTR MATERIALS. - Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
CEE 347 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics (5) FLUID MECHANICS. - Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
CEE 357 Environmental Engineering (5) ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR. - Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
CEE 367 Geotechnical Engineering (5) GEOTECHNICAL ENGR. - Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
CEE 377 Introduction to Structural Design (5) INTRO STRUCT DESIGN. - Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
CEE 456 Structural Analysis (5) STRUCT ANALYSIS. - Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
Industrial Engineering (0418)
IND E 546 Analytical Methods in Transportation I (3) ANYL METH TRANS I. Add joint to existing CEE 584 Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
IND E 571 Humanitarian Logistics (3) HUMANTRN LOGISTICS. - Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
Earth and Space Sciences (1068)
ESS 558 Introduction to Graduate Research in Paleobiology (1) GRAD PALEOBIO RES. CR/NC; joint with ESS 558 Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
Law (0852)
LAW E 513 Theories and Tools for Combatting Corruption (2-3) COMBATTNG CORRUPTN. - Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
LAW E 520 European Union Constitution (4) EU CONSTITUTION. - Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
LAW E 556 International Human Rights Clinic ([4-12]-, max. 12) INT HUM RTS CLINIC. - Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
Immunology (0927)
IMMUN 537 Immunological Methods (1.5) IMMUNOL METHODS. - Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
IMMUN 566 Research Conference in the Differentiation and Function of CD4+ Memory T cells (1, max.30) CD4+ T CELL FXN. CR/NC Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
IMMUN 567 Research Conference in the Roll of miRNAs in Modulating the Immune System (1, max. 30) IMMUNE MIRNAS. CR/NC Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
IMMUN 569 Research Conference in T Cells in Autoimmunity (1, max. 30) T CELLS IN AUTOIMM. CR/NC Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
IMMUN 570 Research Conference in Mucosal Immunity (1, max. 30) MUCOSAL IMMUNITY. CR/NC Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
IMMUN 579 Research Conference in Liver Immunology (1, max. 30) LIVER IMMUNOLOGY. CR/NC Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
Epidemiology (0704)
PHG 301 Introduction to Genetic Epidemiology (3) INTRO GENETIC EPI. - Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
EPI 554 Introduction to Epidemic Modeling for Infectious Diseases (3) INTRO EPI MODELING. Conversion of temporary Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
Business (0881)
ELCBUS 401 Electronic Marketing (5) E-MARKETING. Equivalent to B BUS 431 Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
ELCBUS 403 Negotiations and Conflict Management (5) NEGOTNS CONFLCT MGT. Equivalent to B BUS 462 Effective SUM/2012. Approved.
Center for University Studies and Programs (0864)
B CUSP 290 Research in Action (2, max. 6) RESEARCH IN ACTION. - Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0863)
BIS 380 Bioethics (5) BIOETHICS. SEB and STS major lists Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
BIS 384 Health, Medicine, and Society (5) HEALTH, MED & SOC. - Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
Science and Technology (1073)
B BIO 285 Seminar in Biology (1-3, max. 9) SEMINAR IN BIOLOGY. - Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
B BIO 310 Brain and Behavior (5) BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR. - Effective SUM/2012. Approved.
B BIO 365 Biochemistry II (5) BIOCHEMISTRY II. Bothell biology elective Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0963)
T ARTS 100 World Voices Vocal Ensemble I (1, max. 5) WORLD VOICES I. CR/NC Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
T ARTS 101 World Voices Vocal Ensemble II (1, max. 5) WORLD VOICES II. CR/NC Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
T ARTS 110 Music in Culture (1, max. 3) MUSIC IN CULTURE. - Effective AUT/2012. Approved.


American Indian Studies (1015)
AIS 498 Senior Project (5,max. 15) SENIOR PROJECT. Change credits. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
Anthropology (0102)
ARCHY 377 Archaeology of the Arctic (5) ARCTIC ARCHAEOLOGY. Was ARCHY 477; change titles. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
ARCHY 482 Geoarchaeology (3) GEOARCHAEOLOGY. Change credits, description. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
BIO A 350 Men's Health across the Lifespan (3) MENS HEALTH. Change credits. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
Asian Languages and Literature (0144)
CHIN 443 Structure of Chinese (5) STRUCT OF CHINESE. Change prerequisite. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
Chemistry (0117)
CHEM 458 Air Pollution Chemistry (4) AIR POLLUTION CHEM. Joint with ATM S; change titles, prerequisite, course description. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
Geography (0188)
GEOG 412 Geographic Thought and Practice (5) GEOG THOUGHT & PRAC. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
Music (0217)
MUSIC 494 Orchestration (3) ORCHESTRATION. Was MUSIC 490; change description, prerequisite. Effective AUT/2013. Approved.
Landscape Architecture (0053)
L ARCH 302 Urban Sites Studio (5) URBAN SITES STUDIO. Change titles. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
L ARCH 303 Ecological Systems Studio (5) ECOL SYSTEMS STUDIO. Change titles. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
L ARCH 331 Landform Grading and Drainage (4) LANDFORM GRDE & DRN. Change titles, description. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
L ARCH 362 Design of Cities (3) DESIGN OF CITIES. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
L ARCH 474 Advanced Design Studio (1-6, max. 6) ADV DESIGN STUDIO. Change titles. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
L ARCH 475 Community Design/Build Studio (1-6, max. 6) COM DSGN/BLD STUDIO. Change titles, description. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
L ARCH 503 Community Design Studio (1-6, max. 6) COM DESIGN STUDIO. Change titles. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
L ARCH 505 Landscape Planning Studio (1-6, max. 6) LANDSC PLNG STUDIO. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
L ARCH 570 Landscape Architecture Theory and Scholarship (3) THEORY/SCHOLARSHIP. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
L ARCH 571 Landscape Architecture Research Methods (3) RESEARCH METHODS. Change titles, description. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
Urban Design and Planning (0050)
CEP 301 The Idea of Community (5) IDEA OF COMMUNITY. Drop CR/NC. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
CEP 302 Environmental Response (5) ENV RESPONSE. Drop CR/NC. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
CEP 303 Social Structures and Processes (5) SOC STRCTRS & PROC. Drop CR/NC. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
CEP 460 Planning in Context (5) PLANNING IN CONTEXT. Drop CR/NC. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
CEP 461 Ethics and Identity (5) ETHICS & IDENTITY. Drop CR/NC. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
CEP 462 Community and Environment (5) COMMNTY & ENVIRMNT. Drop CR/NC. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
Orthodontics (0821)
ORTHO 562 Orthodontic Theory (1) ORTHO THEORY. Change credits. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
ORTHO 580 Functional Cranial Anatomy (2) CRANIAL ANATOMY. Change credits. Effective SUM/2013. Approved.
ORTHO 584 Clinical Management of Cleft Lip and Craniofacial Anomalies (1) CRANOFACIAL ANOMAL. Change credits, CR/NC. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
Education (0351)
ECFS 400 Child Observation and Assessment (5) CHLD OBSRV & ASSESS. Was ECFS 300. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
Civil and Environmental Engineering (0403)
CEE 584 Analytical Methods in Transportation I (3) ANYL METH TRANS I. Add joint status with IND E 546. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
Material Science and Engineering (0423)
MSE 333 Materials Characterization (3) MTLS CHARACTERIZ. Change prerequisite. Effective SPR/2012. Approved.
Atmospheric Sciences (1067)
ATM S 111 Global Warming: Understanding the Issues (5) GLOBAL WARMING. Change areas of knowledge add I&S. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
ATM S 211 Climate and Climate Change (5) CLIMATE CHANGE. Add I&S. Effective WIN/2013. PENDING.
ATM S 212 Air Pollution: From Urban Smog to the Ozone Hole (5) AIR POLLUTION. Change areas of knowledge add I&S. Effective WIN/2013. PENDING.
ATM S 458 Air Pollution Chemistry (4) AIR POLLUTION CHEM. Joint with CHEM 458; change titles, prerequisite, course description. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
The Information School (0671)
INFX 598 SPECIAL TOPICS (3) SPECIAL TOPICS. Quarterly Topics DL approval. Effective AUT/2012 only. Approved.
INFX 598 SPECIAL TOPICS (3) SPECIAL TOPICS. Quarterly Topics DL approval. Effective AUT/2012 only. Approved.
INFX 598 SPECIAL TOPICS (3) SPECIAL TOPICS. Quarterly Topics DL approval. Effective AUT/2012 only. Approved.
Law (0852)
LAW A 547 Critical Perspectives on Law Seminar (2-4) CRIT PERSPCTV IN LW. Change titles, credits. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
LAW B 519 Pre-Trial Practice (3-4) PRE-TRIAL PRACTICE. Change credits. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
LAW P 503 Introduction to American Legal Systems & Skills (2-3) INTRO IP LGL SKILLS. Change titles. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
LAW P 510 Advanced Research and Writing Seminar (2) ADV RES & WRITG SEM. Change titles. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
LAW T 528 Graduate Tax Practicum (2-4) GRAD TAX PRACTICUM. Credits. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
Biostatistics (0700)
BIOST 503 Application of Statistics to Health Sciences ([0/3]-, max. 3) APPL STAT HLTH SCI. Change credits. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
Epidemiology (0704)
PHG 300 Implications of Public Health Genomics for the Modern World (5) PUBLIC HLTH GENOMICS. Change title, credits. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0863)
BIS 494 Task Force (2-5, max. 15) TASK FORCE. Change variable credits. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
Nursing (0870)
B NURS 407 Cultural and Social Issues in Health Care (5) CULT/SOC HLTH ISS. Change description. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.


Immunology (0927)
IMMUN 566 Research Conference in Role of Innate Mechanisms in Generation and Maintenance of Protective Immune Memory (1) INNATE MECH MEMORY. Course Dropped. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
IMMUN 567 Research Conference in Antigen Processing and Presentation (1) ANTIGEN PRESENTANT. Course Dropped. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
IMMUN 569 Genetics of Diabetes (1) GENETICS OF DIAB. Course Dropped. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
IMMUN 579 Research Conference in Costimulation and Autoimmune Disease (1) COSTIM AND IMMUNITY. Course Dropped. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.