Virtual Teach-In Part I
June 2Description A virtual teach-in with speakers from Australia, Argentina, and the United States exploring the ways in which the pandemic is...
Description A virtual teach-in with speakers from Australia, Argentina, and the United States exploring the ways in which the pandemic is... Dilara: My name is Dilara Yarbrough....
Access the full series at our Soundcloud page Listen or subscribe to the series on Apple PodcastsListen or subscribe to the series on Stitcher Tony...
Amanda Gilbertson, Assistant Professor & Joyeeta Dey, Research Associate - University of Melbourne India’s Right of Children to Free... Ben: Hi, this is Ben Gardner, Professor of...
LaShawnDa Pittman (University of Washington, Seattle) and Jayna Milan (University of Washington, Seattle) in conversation on Recentering the Poor...
Chris Pearson (Seattle Activist) & Samantha Fredman (University of Washington) in conversation on Disrupting the Politics of Division – Building...
Mvuselelo Ngcoya (University of KwaZulu-Natal) & Danford Chibvongodze (University of KwaZulu-Natal) in conversation on Race, Food Justice, and Ubuntu...