Office of Research

Cancer Research 2019 Scholar Award


This grant supports young tenure-track faculty to begin their cancer research career in projects that are either laboratory-based fundamental and translational research.



  • Be approved by and nominated by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Director in the formal application.
  • Have at least 2 years post-doctoral (MD or PhD) fellowship training.
    • For MDs, a minimum of 1 year is acceptable if only o1 year is required for the specialty.
  • Be either US citizens, or be a permanent legal resident in the US.
  • By the Due Date of the Application, applicants meet the following criteria:
    •  Hold a tenure-track faculty position as an assistant professor at their cancer research institution. Non-promotable, adjunct, affiliated, temporary, part-time or acting faculty positions are not eligible for this grant competition.
    •  Have been appointed to their first full-time assistant professor position within the last 5 years, and have not yet been promoted to Associate Professor.
    • Clinical scientists may be eligible if the research institution can demonstrate that it will fully support the research applicant (e.g., dedicated lab space, start-up funds, dedicated research time).
  • Applicant can NOT already hold an RO1 or RO1-equivalent grants. As of the Due Date of the Application, applicants who have been awarded RO1s or RO1 equivalent grants (Project leader on an NIH multi-investigator grant, ACS) as principal investigators or as co-leader at the time of application submission are not eligible for consideration as a V Scholar. In addition, applicants cannot be a co-leader on a SPORE project or (co)PI of the following NIH grant mechanisms: U01, DP1, DP2, R37, R23. In addition, principal investigators for research project grants (RPGs), analogous to NIH/NCI R01 awards, would be ineligible. The V Scholar award is meant to support research to leverage these larger awards so the nominee may not already have received these awards.



  • $200,000 total paid in two annual installments of $100,000/year.
  • This grant has a zero indirect cost policy; however is listed on Exhibilt A


For additional information, including eligibility guidelines and the required pre-proposal schedule and materials, please see the attached funding announcement. Questions may be directed to

Application Instructions

Please submit:

  1. a one-page letter of intent with a description of proposed aims and approach
  2. Biosketch (not NIH format) or CV of the PI
  3. A letter of support from the Dean or Chair. This letter of support signifies that the Dean or Chair have ensured that the nominee and application are likely to be of sufficient quality to be competitive nationally


to by 5:00 PM Thursday March 14, 2019. The UW limited submissions review committee will review and rank pre-proposals, then send the rankings to the Fred Hutch review committee for final decisions. Proposals are due to the sponsor 5/6/19, so you will need to have your materials in to the Office of Sponsored Programs by 4/26/19 for processing, if given the go ahead by the Proposal Review Committee.

Opportunity Details

Program Announcement No.


03/14/2019 UW Internal Deadline Closed
04/26/2019 OSP Deadline
05/06/2019 Sponsor Deadline

V Foundation

Funding amount


Maximum Number of Applications


Eligible groups
  • All campus

Inquiries and Contact Information

Investigators who identify a grant, award or fellowship program that restricts the number of applications that can be submitted from an Institution should immediately contact their Chairperson, Associate Dean for Research (or Dean, if no ADR) and the Office of Research (see below) if they intend to prepare a response. Failure to do so, or to meet the deadlines for submission of pre-proposal, will preclude submission of the application through the Office of Sponsored Programs.

For general inquiries, or to request a listing of a limited submission opportunity that should be but is not already listed, please email us at