Office of Research

Macy Faculty Scholars Program

The Macy Faculty Scholars Program aims to identify and nurture promising early-career educators in medicine and nursing. The program will help develop the next generation of national leaders in medical and nursing education by identifying outstanding educators, physicians, nurses, and role models—individuals who represent the breadth of diversity seen in learners, patient populations, and health care settings around the country. By providing the Scholars with resources—especially protected time, mentorship, and a professional network of colleagues—the program aims to accelerate Scholars’ careers, to turn their teaching practice into scholarship, and to help them become impactful leaders locally, nationally, and beyond.

Program highlights:

  • Salary Support: Up to $100,000 salary support per year for two years for 50% protected time to pursue a mentored educational project at the home institution.
  • Professional Development and Project Expenses: Scholars receive $25,000 per year for two years to subsidize the cost of professional development activities and related project expenses.
  • Formal Mentoring: Each Scholar is assigned one mentor from the National Advisory Committee and one peer mentor from the family of alumni Scholars.
  • Annual Meeting: All Scholars—both active and alumni—gather each year for the Macy Faculty Scholars Annual Meeting.
  • Educational Opportunities: The Macy Foundation pays tuition costs for one Harvard Macy Institute course.
  • Access to Macy Grantees and Programs: Members of the Scholar community become integral members of the broader Macy Foundation family.

Eligibility Requirements

Eligible candidates must have a doctoral degree (e.g., MD, PhD, DNP, EdD). The foundation does not have strict guidelines about eligibility related to rank or years of service. However, because they are looking for early-career candidates who are in a position to affect real change in their institutions, they expect likely candidates to be at the assistant professor rank with roughly three to eight years of experience as a faculty member.

Please see program web page for upcoming webinar information.

Application Instructions

Please submit:

  1. A one‐page letter of intent with a description of proposed aims and approach.
  2. If the final application requires a diversity statement or statement of broader impacts, please summarize your plans to address the specific requirements on an additional page.
  3. CV (not biosketch) of the PI including past grant funding.
  4. A letter of support from the Dean is required by the funder. Please be sure to address the funder’s stated selection criteria. This letter should also commit to protecting 50% of the candidate’s time and covering salary expenses if the $100,000/year does not fully cover 50%.

to by 5:00 PM Wednesday, June 26, 2024. Proposals are due to the sponsor 9/15/2024, so you will need to have your materials in to the Office of Sponsored Programs by 9/4/2024 if given the go‐ahead by the Limited Submissions review committee.

Opportunity Details

Program web page

Program Announcement No.


06/26/2024 UW Internal Deadline Closed
09/04/2024 OSP Deadline
09/15/2024 Sponsor Deadline

Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation

Funding amount


Maximum Number of Applications

1 (each from School of Medicine and School of Nursing)

Eligible groups
  • All campus

Inquiries and Contact Information

Investigators who identify a grant, award or fellowship program that restricts the number of applications that can be submitted from an Institution should immediately contact their Chairperson, Associate Dean for Research (or Dean, if no ADR) and the Office of Research (see below) if they intend to prepare a response. Failure to do so, or to meet the deadlines for submission of pre-proposal, will preclude submission of the application through the Office of Sponsored Programs.

For general inquiries, or to request a listing of a limited submission opportunity that should be but is not already listed, please email us at