Welcome to the RSAL Computer Lab!
Please read and understand the following guidelines...

Priority of Use and Disk Space Allocation on RSAL PCs

1. Classes requiring these resources (i.e. data intensive GIS work or software only available on these machines).  Classes will have priority use during the class period.  Storage limit of 500MB per machine.  A schedule of class times will be posted.
2. Department-related research requiring these resources (i.e. data intensive GIS work, restrictive software needs, and supporting activities). Individuals will sign up for time and storage at the beginning of the quarter and have priority on a given machine within those parameters (limit of 20 hours/week and 500MB).  A schedule with these preferred times will be posted and the user will have priority at these times (on a designated machines).
3. Studio or lab coursework and work requiring these resources (as above).  Includes students enrolled in courses in #1 above.  Instructors will signup for time and storage at the beginning of the quarter.  Time as available and needed (after above two priorities), storage to 500MB. Schedule of priority time posted.
4. Thesis work requiring these resources (as above).  Individuals will request time and space as in #3.
5. Other department-related needs.  Use of machines on a time available basis (weekly signups), storage on zip disks.  At least 100MB will be reserved on each machine to allow individuals to copy to the D:\ (directory = "Guest") and work locally, then copy back to their zip disks when done.  This 100MB is not a secure storage location and will be cleaned out as necessary without prior warning. Reserved time slots are forfeited if not used within 15 minutes of the start time.


Installation or customization of any software on any of these machines requires the permission of the lab management. These machines serve many users – please help maintain a uniform interface on the desktop so that we can work effectively.  Any improperly installed software will be removed immediately.

Food and Drink

Please keep all food and drink away from the computers and out of the lab.  The luxurious main RSAL room is available for your dining pleasure.

Remote Sensing Applications Laboratory - University of Washington Department of Urban Design and Planning, Box 355740, Seattle, WA 98195
URL: http://depts.washington.edu/rsal/pc_use.html
Contact: RSAL
Last modification: 11/20/98 (dcp)