Remote Sensing Applications Laboratory
University of Washington 
Department of Urban Design and Planning 

RSAL Resources
RSAL houses resources for traditional and digital photogrammetry, GIS, and related research and instruction.  These resources are made available to the students and faculty of the Department of Urban Design and Planning (and the College of Architecture and Urban Planning in general) as needed.  Currently, a variety of stereoscopic and other photogrammetry tools, two Sun workstations, and four Pentium-based NT workstations are available.  RSAL also maintains extensive imagery and digitial data archives for the Puget Sound region and other areas.  For more information concerning these resources and access to the lab contact: 
Dr. Frank Westerlund, RSAL Director/Interim Chair of the Department of Urban Design and Planning 


RSAL Computer Systems Manager

RSAL PC Use Guidelines 

Remote Sensing Applications Laboratory - University of Washington Department of Urban Design and Planning, Box 355740, Seattle, WA 98195
Contact: RSAL
Last modification: 12/30/98 (dcp)