UW Aquatic & Fishery Sciences Quantitative Seminar

Gaku Ishimura

Fisheries Economics Research Unit Fisheries Centre
University of British Columbia

Estimation of Spatial Fisheries Values of the North Pacific


The spatial allocation of fishing effort is the result of the intricate compounded interests of the managers and fishers. While insuring future economic benefits from fishery resources, the managers set spatial restrictions (or regulations) on effort to achieve the conservation of the fish stock and other marine biota. Fishers have two economic concerns with respect to decision making in fishing effort allocation: productivity, and the cost of harvesting activities. The decisions of both managers and fishers require spatial information on the potential value of fisheries. This study develops spatial and temporal estimation of value of the groundfish fisheries in the Gulf of Alaska by two-stage estimation of discrete (location choice) and continuous (catch per effort) models. I will present the motivation for this project as well as an overview of our approach and preliminary results.

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