UW Aquatic & Fishery Sciences

Quantitative Seminar

Spring 2008 Schedule


Speaker & Topic

4 April

Jameal Samhouri, NOAA Fisheries - NMFS, Northwest Fisheries Science Center

Food matters: density dependence and offspring provisioning in a coral reef fish

11 April

Allan Hicks, UW Aquatic & Fishery Sciences
Delay-difference, age-structured, and state-space models: are hyphenated models useful for assessing orange roughy stocks.

18 April

No seminar in favor of Alex Aires-da-Silva's Ph.D. defense

25 April

Caroline Paulsen, UW Aquatic & Fishery Sciences

Using Information Theoretic Approaches for Impact Assessment: A Case Study of Hypoxia in Hood Canal, Puget Sound

2 May

Joshua Abbott, Arizona State University

Assessing the Effectiveness of a Voluntary Bycatch Avoidance Program: Sea State

9 May

Cameron Ainsworth, NOAA Fisheries - NMFS, Northwest Fisheries Science Center

Atlantis Modelling of the Upper Gulf of California: EBM support for small-scale fisheries


16 May

Amanda Bradford, UW Aquatic & Fishery Sciences

Seasonal and Annual Variation in Body Condition of Western Gray Whales off Northeastern Sakhalin Island, Russia

23 May

Eric Ward, NOAA Fisheries, Conservation Biology Division
Identifying Spatial Population Structure with Time-Series Models

30 May

Chris Harvey, NOAA Fisheries - NMFS, Northwest Fisheries Science Center

Using stable isotopes to assess potential sea lamprey damage to Lake Superior fishes

6 June

Carey McGilliard, UW Aquatic & Fishery Sciences

Using Management Strategy Evaluation to evaluate the impact of  MPAs on the performance of stock assessment methods