UW Aquatic & Fishery Sciences

Quantitative Seminar

Spring 2011 Schedule


Speaker & Topic

8 April

Jameal Samhouri, NOAA Fisheries

Ecological triage for ecosystem-based management: adapting fisheries vulnerability assessments for use across sectors and taxa

15 April

Adrian Hordyk, Centre for Fish and Fisheries Research, Murdoch University, Australia

Empirically estimating size based SPR reference points: a method for small-scale fisheries

22 April

Bill Howe, UW eScience Institut.

Cloud Services for Data-Intensive Science

28 April

Ingrid Spies, UW&NOAA

Landscape genetics of Pacific cod: analysis, statistics, and implications

6 May

Mathieu Woillez, NOAA Fisheries

Multi-frequency species classification of acoustic-trawl survey data using semi-supervised learning with class discovery

13 May

Philip Neubauer, Victoria University Coastal Ecology Lab

Flexible Bayesian models for the study of stock structure and fish dispersal from geochemical markers

20 May

Eli Gurarie, NOAA Fisheries (NMML)

Movement scales, encounter rates  and ecological consequences

27 March

Ray Hilborn, SAFS, UW

The environmental cost of eating.  Estimating the environmental footprint of a meal of various fish, beef, chicken and pork.

3 June

Paul Spencer, NOAA Fisheries

Can acoustic data be used to improve trawl survey biomass estimates of Alaska rockfish?