UW Aquatic & Fishery Sciences

Quantitative Seminar

12:30-1:30 pm, Fridays,
Fishery Sciences room 203 (map)

For further information, please send email to quantsem@fish.washington.edu. For archived schedules from previous quarters, see below. For info on other seminars and talks of interest to fisheries and aquatic science professionals, see Fishline. Email list subscription information available here.

Winter 2012 Quarter Schedule


Speaker & Topic

March 30

Kristin Marshall, Northwest Fisheries Science Center (NRC post-doc)

Wolves, elk, and willows: have trophic cascades restored riparian ecosystems on Yellowstone's northern range?


April 6

Jim Anderson, UW -- SAFS, Columbia Basin Research

Traffic Rules for Herds, Flocks, and Schools


April 13

Joe Felsenstein, UW -- Department of Genome Sciences and Department of Biology

Using quantitative genetics to model changes of a discrete 0/1 character between species.


April 20

Ray Hilborn, UW -- SAFS

Comparative Environmental impacts of food production: a meta analysis of a range of studies including fisheries, aquaculture, livestock and crops.


April 27

Charlotte Boyd, UW -- SAFS graduate student

Simulating the spatial distribution of small pelagic fish from acoustic surveys using a likelihood-based integrated geostatistics model: alarm bells ring.


May 4

Rebecca Buchanan, UW -- Columbia Basin Research

Using Release-Recapture Methods to Estimate Salmon Survival in a Complex Environment


May 11

Curry Cunningham, UW -- SAFS graduate student

Environmental drivers of survival in Chinook salmon of the Sacramento River, California.


May 18

Paul Conn, NMML, Research Statistician

Hierarchical models for multiple-observer animal transect surveys.


May 25

Kate E Buenau, Marine Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Hydrology, habitat, and the value of information for piping plovers on the Missouri River.


June 1

Daniel Hively, UW -- SAFS

Estimating Uncertainty in Rockfish Stock Assessments
