Coordinator: Eric Ward





1/7/05 Hiroshi Okamura National Reserach Institute of Far Seas Fisheries, Japan

Estimation of habitat selection index from correlated radio-telemetry data

1/14/05 **** NO SEMINAR   ****
1/21/05 Gavin Fay SAFS/UW Listen to the filter: A Steller approach to estimating pup production, by way of Dr. Kalman
1/28/05 Bill Clark IPHC Confronting stock assessment models with mark-reacapture data
2/4/05 Michael Etnier AFSC/NOAA Fisheries The Systemic Management approach to allocating size selectivity in commercial fisheries
2/11/05 Tim Essington SAFS/UW Cause and consequences of fishing down the foodweb: A comparative analysis of fisheries expansion (... and other thoughts)
2/18/05 Anne Hallowed  AFSC/NOAA Fisheries Environmental disturbance and resource partitioning as a source of popualtion regualtion of Northeast Pacific groundfish
2/25/05 Don Gunderson SAFS/UW Marine Fisheries Mangement: Getting the spatial scales right
3/4/05 Tom Helser NWFSC/NOAA Fisheries Bayesian hierarchical modeling applied to meta-analysis of fish growth: Inferences for data poor and unobserved species of the genus Sebastes in the easter Pacific Ocean
3/11/05 Masa-Aki Fukuwaka Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute, Japan Decadal change in temperature selection of Pacific Salmon in the ocean