UW Aquatic & Fishery Sciences

Quantitative Seminar

Winter 2011 Schedule


Speaker & Topic

14 January

John Smol, Queen's Univeristy, Department of Biology

Salmon, seabirds, and Arctic whalers: Tracking the transport of nutrients and contaminants from the ocean to the land using lake sediments.

21 January

James Anderson, UW, Aquatic & Fishery Sciences

Cognitive Ecology, Pavlovian Conditioning and Foraging Theory s

28 January

James Ha, UW, Department of Psychology

Using demographic parameters to model population viability in captive nonhuman primates and endangered island crows: practical applications and future directions

4 February

Devin Johnson, NOAA, National Marine Mammal Laboratory

Continuous-Time Modeling of Animal Movement: More than lines on a map

11 February

Brian P. Flaherty, UW, Department of Psychology

Model selection in latent class and mixture models illustrated with analysis of cigarette smoking patterns

25 February

Jason Cope, NOAA Fisheries

Age ain’t nothing but a really important number: Investigating rapid age determination methods using otolith morphometrics for four groundfish species


4 March

Danny Grunbaum, UW, School of Oceanography

Imaging instrumentation and individual-level movement data for spatial ecology

11 March

Daniel Gomez-Utchida, UW, Aquatic & Fishery Sciences

Genetic stability of large exploited populations over multiple generations: insights from Alaska sockeye salmon