Introductory Sahaptin Language Brochure (Annotated)

PDF: S_N-0068-Introductory_Sahaptin_Language_Brochure_(Annotated)

Additional Description: Information and class schedule from the Yakama Nation Museum Cultural Heritage Center regarding the Introductory Sahaptin Language Class. Greetings at home visit, Farewell at Home Visit, Days of the Week, Numbers

Date: 1999

Table of Contents: Information and class schedule from the Yakama Nation Museum Cultural Heritage Center regarding the Introductory Sahaptin Language Class. Greetings at home visit, Farewell at Home Visit, Days of the Week, Numbers

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Retyped Version

This typed version was reviewed and corrected by Prof. Sharon Hargus.


Mísh nam wá?
How are you?

Shíx̱ nash wá. Ku mísh nam wá ímk? 1  
I’m fine, and how are you?

Shíx̱iish wá ínch’a. 2  
I too, am fine. I’m fine too.

Greetings at home visit


Áshɨm xɨ́[t]way.
Come in, my friend/relative.

Kumísh, áwnash áshayksh. 
Okay, I’m coming inside now.

Farewell at Home Visit

Áwnash páysh wínasha.
I believe I’ll go now.

Íi áw. Áwnam shíx páx̱twayakatamsh. 3  
All right. It was good of you to come visit me.

Shíx̱ nam pinanaknúwita.
Take care of yourself.

Kuumísh, íkushx̱iish aw kúta.
All right, I will do that.

Ánachax̱i mash ḵ’ínuta.
I’ll see you again.

Íi áw.

Days of the Week in Sahaptin

Day two: The day creation was begun.

Third day: Second day of creation.

Fourth day: Third day of creation.

Fifth day: Fourth day of creation.

“It (time) is near.” Time is drawing near.

Common Sunday

Holy Day
The day the Creator rested. Day of rest.

“It is finished.”

Annotations and Corrections

All corrections and comments provided by Prof. Sharon Hargus.

1 Uncorrected Version: Shíx̱ mash wa. Ku mish nam wa imk?

2 Uncorrected Version: Shíx̱ x̱íish wa inch’a.

3 Uncorrected Version: Ii aw. Awnam shix pax̱twáayalatams.

OLAC metadata:

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<dcterms:identifier xsi:type="dcterms:URI">S_N-0068-Introductory_Sahaptin_Language_Brochure_(Annotated)</dcterms:identifier>
<dcterms:accessRights>open access</dcterms:accessRights>
<dc:subject xsi:type="olac:linguistic-field" olac:code="applied_linguistics"/>
<dc:language xsi:type="olac:language" olac:code="yak"/>
<dc:language xsi:type="olac:language" olac:code="en"/>
<dc:subject xsi:type="olac:language" olac:code="yak"/>
<dc:contributor xsi:type="olac:role" olac:code="compiler">Virginia Beavert</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor xsi:type="olac:role" olac:code="depositor">Edward James</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor xsi:type="olac:role" olac:code="depositor">Sharon Hargus</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor xsi:type="olac:role" olac:code="depositor">Russell Hugo</dc:contributor>
<dc:title>Introductory Sahaptin Language Brochure (Annotated)</dc:title>
<dc:subject>Teaching the Sahaptin/Yakama Language</dc:subject>
<dc:date xsi:type="dcterms:W3CDTF">1999</dc:date>
<dc:description>Information and class schedule from the Yakama Nation Museum Cultural Heritage Center regarding the Introductory Sahaptin Language Class. Greetings at home visit, Farewell at Home Visit, Days of the Week, Numbers</dc:description>
<dcterms:tableOfContents>Information and class schedule from the Yakama Nation Museum Cultural Heritage Center regarding the Introductory Sahaptin Language Class. Greetings at home visit, Farewell at Home Visit, Days of the Week, Numbers</dcterms:tableOfContents>
<dc:type xsi:type="dcterms:DCMIType">Text</dc:type>
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<dc:format xsi:type="dcterms:IMT">application/pdf</dc:format>
<dc:publisher>The Yakama Nation Museum and The Cultural Heritage Center</dc:publisher>
<dcterms:spatial xsi:type="dcterms:TGN">Yakima Valley</dcterms:spatial>
<dcterms:provenance>The materials were used or developed by Virginia Beavert and recorded by one of her students, Edward James, for a class taught at Heritage University (then Heritage College) during approximately 1987-2000. These materials were given to Sharon Hargus by Edward James' widow, Mary James to be archived. The materials were sorted, scanned, tagged and prepared for archiving by Russell Hugo under the supervision of Sharon Hargus.</dcterms:provenance>