Section 4, Lesson 2, Intro and Section 5, Lesson 3

PDF: S_G-0021-Section_4_Lesson_2_Intro

Additional Description: To Arrive, To Be, Additional Dialogue, Commands and Responses

Table of Contents: To Arrive, To Be, Additional Dialogue, Commands and Responses

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Retyped Version

Note: Only part of this resource has been retyped so far and it may still contain errors.

This typed version was reviewed and corrected by Prof. Sharon Hargus.


COMMANDS AND RESPONSES: “Ichis[h]kíin” translates “to speak Indian.”

1. Sɨ́nwik [i]chishkíin.					Speak in Indian.
2. ímk sɨ́nwik ichishkíin. 				You speak in Indian.
3. Tɬ’áax̱wma 1 sɨ́nwitk ichishkíin. 			All of you speak Indian.
4. Ánach’ax̱i sínwik ichishkíin. 			Again speak Indian.
5. Nátanak! 						Say it!
6. Nátanak mayknch’íki. 				Say it louder.
7. Tɬ’áaxwma ánach’ax̱i nátx̱anatk mayknch’íki.  2  	All of you say it louder.
8. [Mísh] 3 íkw’ak tkw’íikw? 				Is that right?
9. ÍI, áwx̱i nam wá tkw’iikw. 				Yes, you are right.
10. Cháaw. Cháw mash wás tkw’íikw.			No, you are not right.
11. Míshkin pasínwix̱a Saháptinki. 			How do they say it in Sahaptin?
12. Íkush pasínwix̱a… 				        They say it like this…
13. Áaw! Nch’í kwa[ɬ]á!	 				Oh. thanks a lot.

(Note: There is no word in Sahaptin for "thank you", this is as close as we can say it: 
"Kw’aɬɨanúu-shamash."4 	“I am thankful to you.”

Annotations and Corrections

All corrections and comments provided by Prof. Sharon Hargus.

1 Uncorrected text: Tl’aakx̱w-ma

2 Uncorrected text: Tl’aaw-ma anach’ax̱ci natax̱anatk mayk-nch’iki.

3 Uncorrected text: Nigh. Comment: “Nigh” is totally incorrect. Most likely this was supposed to be “Mísh”, and someone who didn’t know the language misread some handwriting when typing this up.

4 Uncorrected text: Kw’aianuu shamash.

OLAC metadata:

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<dcterms:accessRights>open access</dcterms:accessRights>
<dc:subject xsi:type="olac:linguistic-field" olac:code="applied_linguistics"/>
<dc:language xsi:type="olac:language" olac:code="yak"/>
<dc:language xsi:type="olac:language" olac:code="en"/>
<dc:subject xsi:type="olac:language" olac:code="yak"/>
<dc:contributor xsi:type="olac:role" olac:code="compiler">Virginia Beavert</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor xsi:type="olac:role" olac:code="depositor">Edward James</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor xsi:type="olac:role" olac:code="depositor">Sharon Hargus</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor xsi:type="olac:role" olac:code="depositor">Russell Hugo</dc:contributor>
<dc:title>Section 4, Lesson 2, Intro and Section 5, Lesson 3</dc:title>
<dc:subject>Teaching the Sahaptin/Yakama Language</dc:subject>
<dc:date xsi:type="dcterms:W3CDTF"></dc:date>
<dc:description>To Arrive, To Be, Additional Dialogue, Commands and Responses</dc:description>
<dcterms:tableOfContents>To Arrive, To Be, Additional Dialogue, Commands and Responses</dcterms:tableOfContents>
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<dcterms:spatial xsi:type="dcterms:TGN">Yakima Valley</dcterms:spatial>
<dcterms:provenance>The materials were used or developed by Virginia Beavert and recorded by one of her students, Edward James, for a class taught at Heritage University (then Heritage College) during approximately 1987-2000. These materials were given to Sharon Hargus by Edward James' widow, Mary James to be archived. The materials were sorted, scanned, tagged and prepared for archiving by Russell Hugo under the supervision of Sharon Hargus.</dcterms:provenance>