How to use Metro bus to get to

the University District from SeaTac (= the airport)


Using Metro bus is in general easy, but when you go from SeaTac to the University district, where SALT 13 takes place and where the hotels of our choice are located, you should note the following:


1. Your route is roughly: SeaTac -> Downtown -> Univ. District


2. During the day (i.e. before 7 p.m., at which the tunnel closes), you can take Metro bus 194 (make sure you get on going toward Seattle, not Federal Way) from the bus stop at the airport to the tunnel (where bus stops look more like subway stations) in Downtown Seattle and transfer to 71, 72 or 73 at any of the five stations in the tunnel.


3. When you board your first bus at SeaTac (the airport), you board from the front door (just follow everybody else), pay the correct fare ($1.25 or $2.00 depending upon the time of your trip) and get a transfer ticket (free of charge). You have to have the exact change or else you have to pay more. For example, if you only have dollar bills (and no coins), you have to pay $2.00 even when you can only pay $1.25, etc.


4. Since the Downtown tunnel belongs to the ride free area in Downtown Seattle, you show your transfer ticket when you get off the bus in the University district (i.e. not when you board the bus). Everybody rides free in this area. Thus, the driver will not charge/check you at that point.


5. When you get off your second bus in the University district, you HAVE TO SHOW YOUR TRANSFER TICKET (or pay if your entire bus trip started in Downtown Seattle) to the driver as you get off the bus. Obviously, you will need to use the front door when you do that.


6. The general (but rough) rule is that you should pay/show your transfer ticket first unless this is not possible (i.e. unless you board your bus from the ride free area in Downtown Seattle). If you are not sure, just ask the driver (or follow the crowd). Seattle bus drivers are very friendly and helpful. More details are found here.


7. If you take 174 (slower than 194) from SeaTac at any time or take 194 after 6:30 p.m. from SeaTac, then your bus will make stops at the ground level in Downtown Seattle. This makes it more complicated to make transfers there.


8. Here are some concrete examples of how to get to your hotel from the airport (SeaTac). If you want to plan ahead, you can explore the information available at Metro web page. In particular, you can plan your trip by using their trip planner. You simply enter "SeaTac" in the first box and enter the address of your hotel in the second box. You also need to enter the date and the approximate time when your trip starts.


9. If you wish to know more about how to use Metro bus, then they have a web page and even a video. But the above instruction should be sufficient for you if you are only interested in getting to the University district.


10. We might add that Metro buses are regular buses with no special storage space for big and heavy items such as suitcases. So if you plan on using Metro bus, you should travel light. Using a carry-on with wheels would be the best idea, we would think.


11. One important caveat: On Sunday, the tunnel is closed (all day). So if you want to use Metro bus after the conference to go back to SeaTac (the airport), then you need to change buses at the ground level in Downtown. But you can ask us about this after you get here. It is more important for you to know how to get here first!