Semantics and Linguistic Theory 13

University of Washington (Seattle, WA, USA)


Follow the links to read/download abstracts.


May 9, 2003 Friday (Henry Art Gallery Auditorium)

8:30 Registration and Coffee

9:15 Welcoming addresses by

Michael Halleran, Divisional Dean of Arts and Humanities

Johnnella E. Butler, Associate Dean and Associate Vice Provost, The Graduate School

Julia Herschensohn, Professor and Chair of Linguistics Department


Session Chair: Peter Lasersohn (University of Illinois)


William A. Ladusaw (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Restriction and the Focal Dimension of Modification

10:30-10:50 COFFEE

Session Chair: Chris Kennedy (Northwestern University)


Elena Guerzoni (MIT)

A Lahiri-like Analysis of NPIs Meaning Even: auch nur and anche solo



Penka Stateva (Humboldt University, Berlin)

Superlative More

12:10 - 2:10 LUNCH

Session Chair: Christine Gunlogson (University of Rochster)


Jean Mark Gawron (San Diego State University) and Andrew Kehler (University of California, San Diego)

Respective Answers to Coordinated Questions



Marie Nilsenova and Robert van Rooy (University of Amsterdam)

On Polar Questions

3:30-3:50 COFFEE

Session Chair: Donka Farkas (U of California, Santa Cruz)


Andrea Wilhelm (The University of Calgary)

Quasi-telic Perfective Aspect in Dene Suline (Chipewyan)



Graham Katz (University of Osnabrueck)

A Modal Account of the English Present Perfect Puzzle

5:20-5:50 (roughly) BUSINESS MEETING


May 10, 2003 Saturday (Boeing Auditorium = SEEC 110)

Session Chair: Leslie Saxon (University of Victoria)


S.-Y. Kuroda (University of California, San Diego)

Categorical and Thetic Judgments, Milsark's Generalization and the Definiteness Effect



Edit Doron (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Bare Singular Reference to Kinds

10:40-11:00 COFFEE

Session Chair: Daniel Büring (UCLA)


Nicholas Asher and Linton Wang (University of Texas)

Unspecification Ambiguity, and Anaphora with Plurals



Uli Sauerland (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)

A New Semantics for Number

12:20 -2:20 LUNCH

Session Chair: Toshiyuki Ogihara (University of Washington)


David Beaver (Stanford University) and Cleo Condoravdi (PARC)

Before and After really are converses after all



Michela Ippolito (University of Tuebingen)

Quantification Over Times in Subjunctive Conditionals

3:40-4:00 COFFEE

Session Chair: Lisa Matthewson (University of British Columbia)


Ji-yung Kim (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)

Intermediate Scope in (Mandarin) Chinese



Angelika Kratzer (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)

Indefinites in the Hierarchy of Functional Heads


5:40-5:50 BREAK


Klaus Abels (University of Connecticut)

Who Gives a Damn About Minimizers in Questions?

7:00-10:00 BANQUET at Waterfront Activities Center


May 11, 2003 Sunday (Boeing Auditorium = SEEC 110)

Session Chair: Martin Hackl (Pomona College)


Luisa Marti (University of the Witwatersrand)

Contextual Variables as Pronouns



Daniel Hardt (Copenhagen Business School)

Sloppy Identity, Binding, and Centering

10:20-10:35 COFFEE

Session Chair: Chris Barker (University of California, San Diego)


Dmitry Levinson (Tel-Aviv University)

Probabilistic Model-theoretic Semantics for want



Manfred Krifka (Humboldt University, Berlin)

Kinds of Kind Reference



Richard Breheny (University of Cambridge)

A Lexicalist Account of Implicit (Bound) Contextual Dependence