
Despite established recognition of the many critical environmental and social tradeoffs associated with dams and reservoirs, global data sets describing their characteristics and geographical distribution have been largely incomplete. To address this shortcoming, the Global Water System Project (GWSP) initiated an international effort to collate the existing dam and reservoir data sets with the aim of providing a single, geographically explicit and reliable database for the scientific community: The Global Reservoir and Dam Database (GRanD).

Read more about GRanD

This project is meant to facilitate visualization of the data provided by this database. The dams can be queried using:

Please provide your valuable feedback and report any bugs to Shahryar K Ahmad at skahmad AT uw DOT edu

Please cite the dataset as: "Lehner, B., R-Liermann, C., Revenga, C., Vörösmarty, C., Fekete, B., Crouzet, P., Döll, P. et al.: High resolution mapping of the world’s reservoirs and dams for sustainable river flow management. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. Source: GWSP Digital Water Atlas (2008). Map 81: GRanD Database (V1.0)"