Column title DescriptionNumber of occurrences
Grand_idUnique ID for each point representing a dam and its associated reservoir; the point location is an approximation of the dam location6862
Res_nameName of reservoir or lake (i.e. impounded water body)1931
Dam_nameName of dam structure6839
Alt_name"Alternative name of reservoir or dam (different spelling, different language, secondary name)"704
RiverName of impounded river6501
Alt_river"Alternative name of impounded river (different spelling, different language, secondary name)"663
Main_basinName of main basin2106
Sub_basinName of sub-basin702
Near_cityName of nearest city4122
Alt_city"Alternative name of nearest city (different spelling, different language, secondary name)"282
Admin_unitName of administrative unit5224
Sec_adminSecondary administrative unit (indicating dams or reservoirs that lie within or are associated with multiple administrative units)34
CountryName of country6862
Sec_cntrySecondary country (indicating international dams or reservoirs that lie within or are associated with multiple countries)47
YearYear (not further specified: year of construction; year of completion; year of commissioning; year of refurbishment/update; etc.)6454
Alt_year"Alternative year (not further specified: may indicate a multi-year construction phase, an update, or a secondary dam construction)"417
Dam_hgt_mHeight of dam in meters6390
Alt_hgt_mAlternative height of dam (may indicate update or secondary dam construction)362
Dam_len_mLength of dam in meters5478
Alt_len_mAlternative length of dam (may indicate update or secondary dam construction)208
Area_skmRepresentative surface area of reservoir in square kilometers; consolidated from other ‘Area’ columns in the following order of priority: ‘Area_poly’ over ‘Area_rep’ over ‘Area_max’ over ‘Area_min’; exceptions apply if value in ‘Area_poly’ column seems unreliable or rounded;6841
Area_polySurface area of associated reservoir polygon in square kilometers6824
Area_repMost reliable reported surface area of reservoir in square kilometers4937
Area_maxMaximum value of other reported surface areas in square kilometers156
Area_minMinimum value of other reported surface areas in square kilometers287
Cap_mcmRepresentative maximum storage capacity of reservoir in million cubic meters; consolidated from other ‘Cap’ columns in the following order of priority:‘Cap_max’ over ‘Cap_rep’ over ‘Cap_min’; exceptions apply if value in ‘Cap_max’ column seems unreliable or rounded6854
Cap_maxReported ‘maximum storage capacity’ in million cubic meters;2374
Cap_repReported ‘storage capacity’ in million cubic meters (value may refer to different types of storage capacity)6322
Cap_minMinimum value of other reported storage capacities in million cubic meters1115
Depth_m"Average depth of reservoir in meters; calculated as ratio between storage capacity (‘Cap_mcm’) and surface area (‘Area_skm’); values that are somewhat higher than the dam height (‘Dam_hgt_m’) may still be reasonable, e.g. if the storage capacity refers to the maximum volume yet the reservoir polygon represents a low-fill status; values capped at 1,000 indicate exceedingly high values, which may be due to inconsistencies in the data"6849
Dis_avg_lsLong-term (1961-90) average discharge at reservoir location in liters per second; value derived from HydroSHEDS flow routing scheme combined with WaterGAP2 runoff estimates at 15s resolution at point location of dam6862
Dor_pc"Degree of regulation (DOR) in percent; equivalent to “residence time” of water in the reservoir; calculated as ratio between storage capacity (‘Cap_mcm’) and total annual flow (derived from ‘Dis_avg_ls’); values capped at 10,000 indicate exceedingly high values, which may be due to inconsistencies in the data and/or incorrect allocation to the river network and the associated discharges"6854
Elev_maslElevation of reservoir surface in meters above sea level; value derived from HydroSHEDS DEM at 15s resolution at point location of dam6862
Catch_skmArea of upstream catchment draining into the reservoir in square kilometers; value derived from HydroSHEDS at 15s resolution at point location of dam6862
Catch_repReported area of upstream catchment draining into reservoir in square kilometers1835
Data_infoSupporting information on certain data issues: ‘Capacity from statistics’ = capacity derived from Eq. 1 or Eq. 2 (See Documentation) ‘Capacity estimated’ = capacity estimated from other available information ‘No polygon’ = no polygon available99
Use_irriUsed for irrigation (‘Main’; ‘Major’; or ‘Sec’ = Secondary use)2180
Use_elecUsed for hydroelectricity production (‘Main’; ‘Major’; or ‘Sec’ = Secondary use)2134
Use_suppUsed for water supply (‘Main’; ‘Major’; or ‘Sec’ = Secondary use)1509
Use_fconUsed for flood control (‘Main’; ‘Major’; or ‘Sec’ = Secondary use)1079
Use_recrUsed for recreation (‘Main’; ‘Major’; or ‘Sec’ = Secondary use)1120
Use_naviUsed for navigation (‘Main’; ‘Major’; or ‘Sec’ = Secondary use)259
Use_fishUsed for fisheries (‘Main’; ‘Major’; or ‘Sec’ = Secondary use)203
Use_pconUsed for pollution control (‘Main’; ‘Major’; or ‘Sec’ = Secondary use)51
Use_liveUsed for livestock water supply (‘Main’; ‘Major’; or ‘Sec’ = Secondary use)48
Use_othrUsed for other purposes (‘Main’; ‘Major’; or ‘Sec’ = Secondary use); other purposes may include new or a mix of the above purposes478
Main_use Main purpose of reservoir: Irrigation; Hydroelectricity; Water supply; Flood control; Recreation; Navigation; Fisheries; Pollution control; Livestock; or Other5285
Lake_ctrl"Indicates whether a reservoir has been built at the location of an existing natural lake using a lake control structure; currently this column only contains limited entries; ‘Yes’ = lake control structure raises original lake level; ‘Enlarged’ = lake control structure enlarged the original lake surface area; ‘Maybe’ = not sure, but data seems to indicate a lake control structure"105
Multi_dams"Indicates whether there is more than one dam associated with this reservoir (e.g. main and saddle dam); if ‘Yes’, then columns ‘Alt_year’, ‘Alt_hgt_m’, and ‘Alt_len_m’ refer to the secondary dam"204
TimelineIndicates whether the status of a dam has changed or will change over time: Planned; Under construction; Replacement; Destroyed78
UrlURL of related website1595
QualityQuality index:6862
1: Verified (location and data have been verified)
2: Good (location and data seem o.k. but have not all been verified)
3: Fair (some data discrepancies; missing data; or uncertainties)
4: Poor (significant data discrepancies of various kinds that indicate errors)
5: Unreliable (severe data discrepancies without reasonable explanation)
EditorFinal data editor: ‘McGill’ = McGill University; ‘UNH’ = University of New Hampshire6862
Long_ddLongitude of point location of dam in decimal degrees6862
Lat_ddLatitude of point location of dam in decimal degrees6862