Lost or Stolen Items


Notify savtech@uw.edu about the incident and the department can help with this process.

If a University owned item (laptop, pc, etc) has been lost or stolen, a report needs to be filed with the UW Privacy Office to make sure any sensitive data that could have been on that equipment is handled correctly.  The form that needs to be filled out is located here: https://privacy.uw.edu/report/

A police report will also be required and needs to be submitted to the department for inventory reconciliation purposes. Email savtech@uw.edu with the police report as an attachment once filed.

Replacement Options

The individual is not responsible for the replacement cost of the lost or stolen item. However, it is required that a police report be filed with their local precinct or UWPD. The report information must be provided to the Director of IT or Administrator within 14 days of loss for documentation. It is up to the individual whether they use their personal insurance to cover the replacement of the equipment for use.  The user will not be issued replacement equipment until their time comes back around in the Equipment life cycle and requests process. (Follow the link for more information).

Individuals may use research or other available funds to purchase replacement equipment. Please reach out to the Director of IT or Administrator for options.