Trainee Registration Form

The University of Washington Pediatric Pulmonary Center Training Program based at Seattle Children's Hospital is funded primarily by grants from the federal Maternal Child Health Bureau.

As a condition of our funding, we report certain demographic information concerning faculty members and trainees. This information is confidential and remains within the Pediatric Pulmonary Center data center. No individual information is reported to the funding body.

We ask you to complete a 14-question registration form at the beginning of your PPC training experience and a brief follow-up survey at the end. Additional follow-up surveys to document the long-term impact of PPC training will be conducted at 5 and possibly 10 years post training.

Thank you for your participation which contributes to the continuation of our work at the Pediatric Pulmonary Center.

Click on the following link to complete the registration form. PPC Trainee Registration Form

Please e-mail or mail this to:

PPC Program Assistant
Pulmonary, A-5937
Seattle Children's Hospital
4800 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105

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