The British Museum, London :: China--Khotan, Yotkan, Dandan-oilik, Rawak

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This material was collected by Aurel Stein and British consular officials at several sites on the Southern Silk Road in the vicinity of the major oasis town of Khotan. The objects are displayed in Gallery 33. By entering "artefacts" and "Yotkan" into the IDP database advanced search, one can view a number of other small clay sculptures from Yotkan.

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Head of the Buddha.
Rawak, one of smaller heads from inner SW wall of R.VI. Red clay with red wash and stucco.
OA 107.11-11.174
Clay figure of seated Buddha.
Khotan, 5th c. CE.
Acquired by Clarmont Skrine in Khotan. OA 1925.6-19.6
Two moulded plaques with standing buddhas.
Karasai, near Khotan, 5th c. CE.
OA MAS 340, 344
Plaque with attendant holding a string of beads.
Dandan-oilik, near Domoko, 6th-8th c. CE. Stucco.
OA 1907.11-11.77
Stucco relief.
Khotan, 8th-9th c. CE.
Acquired by Clarmont Skrine in Khotan. OA 1925.6-19.4
Seated Buddha.
Khotan, 6th c. CE. Wood.
Acquired by H. I. Harding in Khotan. OA 1928.10-22.137
Three ceramic figurines.
Yotkan, near Khotan, 2nd-3rd c. CE.
OA MAS 2; 1902.12-20.194; 1902.12-20.414
Figurine of embracing couple.
Khotan, 6th-7th c. CE. Ivory.
OA 1907.11-11.49
Moulded fragments from pottery vessels, etc.
Yotkan, near Khotan, 2nd-4th c. CE.
OA MAS 3; 1902.12-20.345; 1902.72-20.317; 1902.12-20.353; 1902.12-20.353
Pottery amphora with applied jewel motifs and grotesque heads. Neck and handles missing.
Yotkan, near Khotan, 1st-3rd c. CE.
Miniature ceramic vessels.
Yotkan, near Khotan, 3rd-5th c. CE.
OA 1902.12-20.531, 532, 535
Yotkan, near Khotan, 3rd-4th c. CE. Clay.
OA 1907.11-11.37 (Y.0024)
The shape of the top is similar to that found in glassware from Western Asia in the same period.
Image on IDP website.
Ewer with applied figure of monkey playing a lute its tail forming the handle.
Yotkan, near Khotan, 1st-4th c. CE. Clay. 10.6 x 9 cm.
OA 1907.11-11.39 (Y.0028)
The decoration on side of vessel possibly imitates glass trailed designs.
For monkey figurines from Khotan region, see also text and images; also, image of this jug on IDP website.
Earthenware amphora.
Khotan, 5th-6th c. CE.
OA 1928.6-19.37
Ceramic pestle.
Farhad-beg-yailaki, near Domoko. 7th-8th c. CE.
OA MAS 463.
Woven basket with lid.
Khotan, 4th-6th c. CE.
OA 1925.6-19.57