The British Museum, London :: Medieval Western Eurasia

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This is something of a catch-all, including some early nomadic material and also some silver from early medieval European hoards. For the abundant Viking material in the museum's collection, see the on-line exhibition. of some two dozen objects.

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Bottle in shape of a fish.
Cologne, Germany. 4th c. CE. Glass.
MME 1875.6-8.2
4th-6th c. CE. Found in the Crimea.
MME 1923.7-16, etc.
Buckle plate.
6th c. CE. Found in Hungary. gold, silver, and garnet.
MME 66.8-15.8
Two saddle or shield mounts.
Late 6th-early 7th c. CE, found in Ukraine, Martinivka Hoard. Possibly Slavic or early nomadic.
Chopped up silver, including Arab coins and a German.
Gotland, 10th-11th c. CE.
ME OA 1921.6-25.1
Part of the Cuerdale Hoard, buried ca. 905 in Lancashire, England. Contained over 7500 coins and 1500 silver objects, the largest Viking hoard found in Western Europe.
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Two brooches.
Gotland, 9th-10th c. CE. Gilt bronze.
MME 1921.11-1.284, 285
Two brooches for women's dresses.
Gotland, 10th c. CE. Found at Stanton, Norfolk, England. Gilt Bronze. For MME 1888.1-3.1, L.: 11.6 cm.; W.: 7.9 cm.
MME 1883.7-27.1; 1888.1-3.1
Learn more. Learn more about another brooch of this type.
A group of viking weights.
No provenance, 9th-10th c. CE.
MME 5.2-1.2; 2000.1-1, 1-3
Learn more about another Viking weight.
Silver cup of Carolingian origin found with 860 silver pennies.
Buried 1027, Halton Moor, Lancashire.
MME AF 541
Pyx with lid.
Said to have been found in Spain. Carolingian, 9th c. Probably made in northern France or Germany. Silver-gilt. Dia.: 12 cm.; H. 8.5 cm.
MME AF.3041
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The Aldrevandini Beaker.
Venice ca. 1330. Inscription reads: "Master Aldrevandin made me." Enameled glass. H.: 13 cm.; Dia. 10.9 cm.
Possibly influenced by Syrian glass; at one time was considered to be "Syro-Frankish." MME 1876.11-4.3
Learn more. The image on the website shows a different side of the beaker than the one shown here.