The British Museum, London :: Mughal India

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Most of these examples of Mughal luxury wares still need proper captioning. They are displayed in Gallery 34. The last section here is ink and watercolor drawings, for which the necessairly dim lighting conditions were not conducive to rendering accurately subtleties of coloring. There is a real need for an extensive display on the Internet of Mughal painting and manuscript illumination.

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Two huqqa bases.
Mughal, 17th c. CE. H.: 18.4 cm. Green jade encrusted with darker green jade, lapis lazuli and rubies in gold cloisons. Mounts are work of a French refugee craftsman in London ca. 1790.
OA 1956.7-24, 1, 2
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Carved crystal cup with gold mounts.
Wine cup carved from white nephrite (jade).
Mughal, probably reign of Shah Jahan, mid-17th century.
Cf. very similar cup in the Victoria and Albert Museum Inv. no. IS 02561.
Drinking mug.
Mughal (?). Modeled after Timurid metalwork.
Drinking cup.
Mughal. Green jade.
The Virgin Mary and Christ child.
Mughal, ca. 1600, court of Prince Salim (the future Emperor Jahangir). Ink and watercolor drawing by Ghulam based on Flemish engraving by Bernard van Orley (1452-1542).
OA 1942.0124.0.2
Young man reading a book.
Mughal, ca. 1600. Ink, gold and watercolor on paper. More Persian than Indian in style.
OA 1920.0917.0281(1)
Portrait of Emperor Jahangir.
Mughal, ca. 1620. Attributed to Hashim. Ink and watercolor on paper.
OA 1920.0917.0.13(15)
Timur (Tamerlane) in audience.
Mughal, early 18th c. CE. Ink and watercolors on paper.
OA 1920.0917.0.13(22)