The British Museum, London :: China--Eastern Zhou Period

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This material is dated between the 7th and late 3rd centuries BCE. It is displayed in Gallery 33.

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Pair of gold harness ornaments.
Eastern Zhou period, 7th-6th c. BCE.
OA 1937.4-16.213; 1937.4-16.214 (31)
Gold openwork dagger handle.
Eastern Zhou period, 6th-5th c. BCE. H.: 9.8 cm.
OA 1937.4-16.218
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Hilt of a bronze sword with gold inlay.
Eastern Zhou period, 4th-3rd c. BCE.
OA 1968.4-24.1
Fitting in shape of a bull's head, probably to decorate shaft of a chariot.
Eastern Zhou period, 4th-3rd c. BCE. Bronze inlaid with gold and silver. 17.5 x 21.5 cm.
A similar piece was found at Hui Xian in Henan Province.
OA 1934.2-16.3
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Leaping feline, probably the support for a tray.
Eastern Zhou period, 4th-3rd c. BCE. Bronze inlaid with gold and silver. H.: 21.7 cm.
OA 1883.10-20.5
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Bronze mirror.
Late Eastern Zhou period, 3rd c. BCE. Design probably copied from lacquerware.
OA 1973.7-26.65
Belt hooks.
Late Eastern Zhou or early Han periods, 3rd-2nd c. BCE.
Cf. Eastern Zhou example, bronze, L. 14.8 cm., OA 1980.7-29.1.
Arc-shaped jade pendant (huang).
Late Eastern Zhou or early Han period.
OA 1945.10-17.9