The British Museum, London :: Rome

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These are Roman luxury wares. Roman silver and glass were important in shaping style especially in western Eurasia.

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Diptych leaf with apotheosis.
Rome, ca. 400 CE. Possibly commemorating Quintius Arelius Symmachus, (ca. 340=402), who had earlier been Prefect of Rome. He was a strong supporter of paganism; the imagery is pagan. Carved ivory. 30.1 x 11.3 cm.
MME 1857.10-13.1
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Some of objects from Esquilene Treasure found in Rome in 1793.
Rome, ca. late 4th c. CE. Silver.
For an extensive array of excellent images of the Esquilene treasure, click here.
Flask embossed with cupids and animids.
Rome, ca. late 4th c. CE. Found in Esquilene treasure in Rome in 1793. Silver.
MME 66.12-29.4
Pelegrina ewer.
Rome, late 4th c. CE (?). Part of Esquilene Treasure discovered in 1793. Inscription: "Pelegrina, use [this vessel] to great fortune."
MME 1866.12-29.5
Ewer with Christ healing a blind man and giving scroll or key to St. Peter.
Rome (?), 4th-5th c. CE. Silver.
MME 1951.10-10.1
Medallion with the emperor in a quadriga.
Rome, 4th c. CE.
Marshall 3097
Two Roman glass amphoras.
Sutri, Lazio, Italy. Lombardic, late 6th-early 7th c. CE. Found in a woman's grave.
Marshall 3097