The British Museum, London :: Seals and Intaglios

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These objects are mainly ones found in South and Central Asia dating from the late centuries BCE to the early centuries CE. They are on display in Gallery 33. Often the seals found on Silk Road sites contain some of the most vivid imagery indicating cultural intereaction across Eurasia.

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Intaglio seal (and its imprint) showing a crowned goddess facing a lion.
Gandhara, 1st-2nd c. CE. Carnelian.
OA 1880-3488
Intaglio seal (and its imprint) depicting Vishnu and a princely worshipper.
Sardonyx, Pakistan or Afghanistan, 4th-6th c. CE. Inscriibed in cursive Bactrian: Mihim, Vishnu and Shiva.
OA 1880-3451.
Intaglio seals from various Silk Road sites, primarily W. China.
Seals in bronze and stone, Chinese and Sasanian style, from various Silk Road sites.