Turfan :: Yarkhoto collection

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Half figure of a male deity
Yarkhoto. 8th-9th c. Painted clay. 49.5 cm.
MIK III 7621
Pub.: AASR, no. 80, p. 145; MIAB, p. 91
Half figure of a Devata or Bodhisattva
Yarkhoto. 10th c. Clay, burnt, terracotta. 38 cm.
MIK III 7618
Pub.: MIAB, p. 95
One of the Ten Kings of the Underworld.
Yarkhoto. 9th c.. Painting on paper. 18 x 26.8 cm.
MIK III 6327
Pub.: AASR, no. 134, p. 194; MIAB, p. 113.
Fragment of a handscroll
Yarkhoto (?). Paper. 16.2 x 70 cm.