The Louvre :: Ancient Bactria

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Note that the material here is from the really ancient history of Bactria (3rd-2nd millennia BCE), not the period of Alexander the Great and his successors. The objects are displayed in Gallery 9 of the Louvre's Near Eastern Antiquities collection.

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Seal with image of water goddess seated on lion with head of unicorn serpent-dragon.
Afghanistan, Bactria, end of 3rd-beg. of 2nd mill. BCE. Silver.
Inv. no.: AO 30226. Website
Pin with two goats interlocking horns.
Afghanistan, Bactria. End of 3rd-beg. of 2nd mill. BCE. Copper.
Inv. no.: AO 28496. Website (no photo yet).
Pin with ram on head.
Afghanistan, Bactria. End of 3rd-beg. of 2nd mill. BCE. Silver.
Inv. no.: AO 28498. Website (no photo yet).
Pin with wrestlers on head.
Afghanistan, Bactria. End of 3rd-beg. of 2nd mill. BCE. Copper.
Inv. no.: AO 28492. Website
Afghanistan, Bactria. End of 3rd-beg. of 2nd mill. BCE. Lapis-lazuli.
Inv. no.: AO 26101.
Statuettes of "Princesses of Bactria".
Afghanistan, Bactria. Late 3rd-early 2nd mill. BCE. Serpentine and calcite.
Larger (on left): 18 x 16 x 14 cm. Inv. no.: AO 22918. Website. Smaller (on right): Inv. no.: AO 31917. Website.
"Scarface" figurine of anthropomorphic dragon-snake.
Iran (?), Shiraz region. End of 3rd-beg. of 2nd mill. BCE. Chlorite, calcite, meteorite iron, and shell (?). 12 x 5 cm.
Inv. AO 21104. Website
Pyxis with conical cover.
Afghanistan, Bactria. End of 3rd-beg. of 2nd mill. BCE. Shows banquet scene with women of type of "Princess of Bactria."
Inv. no.: AO 31881. Website (no photo yet).