The Louvre :: Early Islamic Central Asia (Khorasan, Transoxania)

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The material here is mainly from Gallery 4 in the Louvre's Islamic Collection. The territory extends from northeastern Iran across the Oxus (Amu Darya) River into Central Asia.

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Dish with stylized calligraphy evoking stilts (long-legged birds).
Khorasan or Transoxania, 10th-11th c. CE. Slip-coated earthenware, slip decoration beneath transparent glaze. The inscription repeats the word "benediction."
Inv. no.: MAO 32. Website (with detailed photos)
Plate with epigraphic decoration.
Khorasan or Transoxania, 11th-12th c. CE. Slip-coated earthenware, slip decoration beneath transparent glaze. Dia.: 33.8 cm. The inscription translates: "Science (or magnanimity) are bitter-tasting at first, but sweeter than honey in the end. Good health [to owner of dish]. See inset for Chinese yin/yang decoration in center.
Inv. no.: AA 96. Website. Cf.: Freer Gallery, Inv. no.: F1952.11.
Iran, Nishapur (Samanid Khorasan), 10th c. CE. Slip-coated earthenware, slip decoration painted under transparent glaze. H. 13.2, Dia. 38.3 cm.
Inv. no.: MAO 403 Website
Samanid Khorasan or Central Asia, 10th-11th c. CE. Earthenware with slip, pigment, and slip decoration under transparent glaze. H. 7 cm.; Dia.: 18.3 cm. Unique in its depiction of plowing scene.
Inv. no.: MAO 858. Website (with detail of one of zebus)
Dish with depiction of amorous couple.
Khorasan, 10th-11th c. CE. Earthenware with slip, pigment, and slip decoration under transparent glaze, engraved.
Inv. no.: MAO 859. Website
Khorasan or Transoxania, 10th-11th c. CE. Earthenware, white slip, incised, colored and colorless glazes.
Inv. no.: MAO 25. Cf. LACMA Inv. no.: M.2002.1.114.
Khorasan or Transoxania, 10th-11th c. CE.
Inv. no.: MAO 750. Website. Cf.: Berlin MIK I.4691.
Iran, 10th-11th c. CE. Slip-coated ceramic clay, engraved decoration under colored glaze.
Inv. no.: MAO 1215. Website
Khorasan, Nishapur (?), 10th-11th c. CE. Lusterware.
Inv no.: MAO 134. Cf. Louvre Inv. no.: MAO 23.
Khorasan, 10th-12th c.
Inv. no.: MAO 36. Website
Khorasan, 10th-12th c. CE.
Inv. no.: MAO 43. Website