Social and Cultural Foundations Program at University of Washington Banner by Jeom Ja Yeo


  • Core Faculty

Nancy Beadie

Professor, Educational Leadership & Policy Studies

As a historian of education, Dr. Beadie studies how the structure, experience and meaning of education have changed over time. Currently, she is completing a book on this subject, Education and the Creation of Capital: The Place of Schooling in a Transforming Political Economy, 1790-1850. More


Deborah Kerdeman

Associate Professor, Educational Leadership & Policy Studies
Member of Jewish Studies Program

As a philospher of education, Dr. Kerdeman studies philosophy of education and educational research, philosophy of understanding and meaning (hermeneutics), and teacher education. Dr. Kerdeman was a 1996-1998 National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation post-doctoral Fellow. More


Joy Ann Williamson-Lott

Associate Professor, Educational Leadership & Policy Studies

Dr. Williamson-Lott's primary research agenda examines the reciprocal relationship between social movements--particularly those of the middle twentieth century--and institutions of higher education. Her previous work investigated black student-motivated reforms at predominantly white institutions during the Black Power era. More


Donna Kerr

Professor, Educational Leadership & Policy Studies

Donna H. Kerr brings over three decades as a scholar in cultural foundations and as a university administrator into her teaching in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies. More

  • Affiliated Faculty

Other faculty at the University of Washington who have taught courses in social and cultural foundations include Becky Aanerud (Whiteness Studies, Anti-racism, Women’s Studies), David Allen (Women’s Studies), Maresi Nerad (History of Higher Education), Roger Soder (School and Society, Topics and Tensions, Rhetoric of Education Policy, Issues in Public Education), Ed Taylor (Education as a Moral Endeavor, Critical Race Theory, History of Higher Education).

In addition, a number of faculty members across the College and the University have worked with students in social and cultural foundations. These include (but are not limited to) David Allen (feminist methodologies, critical race theory, women's studies), James Banks (multicultural education), Geneva Gay (multicultural education), James Gregory (labor history, social and political history), and Walter Parker (civic education, social studies education).


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