Temporal resolution
The bottom line
Temporal resolution: How good is a listener at following rapid changes in a sound?
Following rapid changes in sound
Averaging over time is one way the auditory system could Òsmooth outÓ the bumpy response of auditory nerve fibers
The time over which you average makes a difference
The temporal window
The temporal window
Hydraulic analogy: How long before the next bucket leaves for the brain?
Hydraulic analogy: How long before the next bucket leaves for the brain?
People can Òadd upÓ sound energy for
Temporal resolution: How short are the ÒsamplesÓ of sound?
Sensitivity-resolution tradeoff
So how well should I be able to discriminate a change in the duration of a sound?
How to measure temporal resolution
Problem in measuring temporal resolution: ÒSpectral splatterÓ
Duration discrimination
Duration discrimination
Gap detection
Gap detection
Is it temporal resolution or intensity resolution?
Amplitude modulation detection
Slide 23
Modulation depth
2AFC AM Detection
Modulation depth, 20 log m
AM detection as a function of modulation rate
What sort of filter has a response that looks like this?
The TMTF is like a low-pass filter. That means that we canÕt hear
TMTF at different carrier frequencies
Conclusions from TMTF
The auditory system can follow amplitude modulation well up to about
So how can we detect such short changes in a sound and still be able to integrate sound energy over 200-300 ms?
Two theories of temporal resolution-temporal integration discrepancy
Multiple integrators
Multiple integrators
Multiple integrators
AN fibers donÕt have different integration times
Multiple looks
Multiple looks theory says
Multiple integrators theory says
A test of the multiple looks theory: Viemeister & Wakefield (1991)
Viemeister & Wakefield (1991)
Viemeister & Wakefield (1991)
Viemeister & Wakefield (1991)
Viemeister & Wakefield (1991): Results
The results of Viemeister & Wakefield are most consistent with
Text sources
Text sources