Temporal resolution
The ability to follow rapid changes in a sound over time

The bottom line
People manage to maintain good temporal resolution without compromising sensitivity by using intelligent processing.

Temporal resolution: How good is a listener at following rapid changes in a sound?
Auditory nerve fibers do not fire at the instant at which sounds begin or end.
Auditory nerve fibers do not fire on every cycle of sound.
Adaptation occurs to longer duration sounds.
Spontaneous activity occurs when no sound is present

Following rapid changes in sound
The auditory nerve response does not follow changes with perfect precision

Averaging over time is one way the auditory system could Òsmooth outÓ the bumpy response of auditory nerve fibers
The time over which you average makes a difference
The temporal window
The temporal window
Hydraulic analogy: How long before the next bucket leaves for the brain?
Hydraulic analogy: How long before the next bucket leaves for the brain?
People can Òadd upÓ sound energy for
 5 ms
 50 ms
 200 ms
 1500 ms

Temporal resolution: How short are the ÒsamplesÓ of sound?
Hypothesis # 1: We integrate over 200-300 ms.

Sensitivity-resolution tradeoff
If you extend the integration time to improve sensitivity, you lose resolution.

So how well should I be able to discriminate a change in the duration of a sound?
How to measure temporal resolution
Duration discrimination
Gap detection
Amplitude modulation detection

Problem in measuring temporal resolution: ÒSpectral splatterÓ
Duration discrimination
Duration discrimination
WeberÕs Law? NO
Duration discrimination can be very acute - much better than 50-75 ms.

Gap detection
Gap detection
Is it temporal resolution or intensity resolution?
Amplitude modulation detection
By how much do I have to modulate the amplitude of the sound for the listener to tell that it is amplitude modulated, at different rates of modulation?

Slide 23
Modulation depth
2AFC AM Detection
Modulation depth, 20 log m
AM detection as a function of modulation rate
The temporal modulation transfer function (TMTF)

What sort of filter has a response that looks like this?
 band reject

The TMTF is like a low-pass filter. That means that we canÕt hear
 slow amplitude modulations
 high frequencies
 low frequencies
 fast amplitude modulations

TMTF at different carrier frequencies
Conclusions from TMTF
People are very good at AM detection up to 50-60 Hz modulation rate (and intensity resolution effects are controlled)
50-60 Hz = 17-20 ms/cycle of modulation
17-20 ms < 40 ms
Somehow the auditory system is getting around the sensitivity-resolution tradeoff

The auditory system can follow amplitude modulation well up to about
 50-60 Hz
 120 Hz
 4 Hz
 2000 Hz

So how can we detect such short changes in a sound and still be able to integrate sound energy over 200-300 ms?
Two theories of temporal resolution-temporal integration discrepancy
Multiple integrators
Multiple looks

Multiple integrators
Multiple integrators
Multiple integrators
AN fibers donÕt have different integration times
But of course the integrators could be somewhere else in the brain.

Multiple looks
Multiple looks theory says
 we have good temporal resolution because we use memory to integrate sound ÒenergyÓ
 we have good temporal resolution because we have some neurons that have good temporal resolution and some neurons that donÕt.

Multiple integrators theory says
 we have good temporal resolution because we use memory to integrate sound ÒenergyÓ
 we have good temporal resolution because we have some neurons that have good temporal resolution and some neurons that donÕt.

A test of the multiple looks theory: Viemeister & Wakefield (1991)
Set up a situation in which the two theories predict different outcomes...

Viemeister & Wakefield (1991)
Viemeister & Wakefield (1991)
Viemeister & Wakefield (1991)
Viemeister & Wakefield (1991): Results
The results of Viemeister & Wakefield are most consistent with
 multiple looks theory
 multiple integrators theory

People can detect very short duration changes in sound, such as 2-3 ms long interruptions.
People can integrate sound energy over 200-300 ms to improve sound detection.
The auditory system gets around the sensitivity-resolution tradeoff by using short-term integration and intelligent central processing.

Text sources
Gelfand, S.A. (1998) Hearing: An introduction to psychological and physiological acoustics. New York: Marcel Dekker.
Moore, B.C.J. (1997) An introduction to the psychology of hearing. (4th Edition) San Diego: Academic Press.
Viemeister, N.F. (1979). Temporal modulation transfer functions based upon modulation thresholds. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 66, 1564-1380.
Viemeister, N.F. & Wakefield, G. (1991) Temporal integration and multiple looks. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 90, 858-865.
Yost, W.A. (1994) Fundamentals of hearing: an introduction. San Diego: Academic Press.

Text sources
Gelfand, S.A. (1998) Hearing: An introduction to psychological and physiological acoustics. New York: Marcel Dekker.
Moore, B.C.J. (1997) An introduction to the psychology of hearing. (4th Edition) San Diego: Academic Press.
Viemeister, N.F. (1979). Temporal modulation transfer functions based upon modulation thresholds. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 66, 1564-1380.
Viemeister, N.F. & Wakefield, G. (1991) Temporal integration and multiple looks. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 90, 858-865.
Yost, W.A. (1994) Fundamentals of hearing: an introduction. San Diego: Academic Press.