Student Programs
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Dear Parents and Students,
We have been diligently watching the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic across the country and world impact this summer's events and our lives in general. In discussions with our university administration, the Museum of Flight, and other experts, we believe it is in the best interest of our students, teachers, staff, and guest presenters that the 2020 UW STARTALK Russian in the Sky and Outer Space program be postponed. It was originally scheduled for 20 July 2020 to 14 August 2020, at the University of Washington in Seattle, and will be postponed until the summer of 2021, specifically from 26 July 2021 to 20 August 2021, and will also be held at the University of Washington. This was not an easy decision to make. However, it is obvious that it will be many more weeks before we would potentially have the information needed to allow us, as a program, to feel comfortable in having students, faculty, and staff on campus this summer, and we do not wish to keep students and parents waiting any longer. There are also well-published lingering logistical issues with our various professional partners off campus.
For any additional questions regarding STARTALK, contact Angelina McMillan-Major at Because our STARTALK grant sponsors have formally agreed to extend their funding and support through next year, early registration is now open for those who wish to plan ahead.
Paul Aoki, PhD
STARTALK Principal Investigator
Unfortunately, the UW STARTALK Teacher Program was not funded this year due to government budget cuts. However, the STARTALK team will continue to share resources on teaching Heritage Language students through workshops and our recent Heritage Language Symposium. Check out:
We would also recommend Seattle's STARTALK Teacher Program at PLU if you are interested in teacher certification in Arabic, Korean, Russian, or Spanish.
The annual Russian-language newsletter Колокол (The Bell) featuring works by first- and second-year Russian students of the 2018 Summer Intensive courses is out now! This year's issue also includes works by students of the STARTALK program-- "Russian in the Sky and Outer Space." These high school students are heritage Russian speakers, who are working on expanding their Russian to include STEM subjects. Essays about airplanes by Nicholas, Arseniy, and Polina are those of the winners in three different categories: beginning writers, proficient writers, and almost Leo Tolstoys. We hope that you will enjoy the students' writing!