Proposed schedule of StatGen course offsprings 2008-2011

This information is currently not finalized, but is likely to be so.

Course schedule plan

With a changing in the scheduling of course offerings, with both GE 562 and GE 540 being offered in Winter we plan to start offering BS 550 in Spring, to be followed by BS 551 in Fall, and BS 552 in the following Spring. This will enable students to start the BS 550-1-2 sequence in Spring of their first year. BS 552 may be offered only alternate years (the years GE 562 is not offered). If so, It MAY switch to being offered in winter.
2007- 2008 BS 550 BS 551, GE 540 GE 541, BS 552
2008-2009 BS 551 ** GE 540, GE 562 GE 541, BS 552 ??, BS 550
2009-2010 BS 551 GE 540, GE 541, BS 552, BS 550
2010 -2011 BS 551 GE 540, GE 562 GE 541, BS 550
Note: ** In order to smooth the transition to the new schedule, BS 551 offered in Fall 2008 will NOT assume 550 material as prerequisite.

NOTE: 550 ONLINE is upcoming

It is planned to offer an online DISTANCE LEARNING version of STAT/BIOST 550 in Spring 2008.