Multimodal Travel

Assessing and Improving the Application of Multimodal Performance Measures in WSDOT Projects

This study assessed the application of multimodal performance measures and indicators in the design process of the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). The report presents lessons learned from the literature and multimodal practice leaders. The project also examined six WSDOT multimodal case studies, including evaluating how those projects have integrated best practices for multimodal planning and performance measurement, as well as opportunities for improvement.

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ORCA Data for Planning

A large portion of all transit rides in the greater Puget Sound region are paid for with the One Regional Card for All (ORCA) electric transit fare card. TRAC researchers have developed a business intelligence system that takes advantage of data from the ORCA system to allow transit agencies to analyze farecard transactions and better understand transit travel.

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Longitudinal Analyses of Washington State Student Travel Surveys

This project analyzed changes in the rates of active school transport captured in the 2016 and 2019 Washington State Student Travel Surveys and also evaluated the likely impacts of Safe Routes to School projects on rates of active school transport. It was part of a long-term collaboration between the University of Washington and the Washington State Department of Transportation to model the environmental determinants of active school transport (AST) in order to help support and promote AST and to ensure the safety of students traveling to school.

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Accessible Transportation Technologies Research Initiative Performance Metrics and Evaluation

Many agencies and companies are interested in developing technologies that will remove barriers to mobility and transportation for individuals with disabilities, but how can the success of such technologies be accurately evaluated? This project created a framework that the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Accessible Transportation Technologies Research Initiative (ATTRI) can use to develop evaluations of new technologies intended to improve mobility for people of all abilities.

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Advancing Multimodal Safety by Reducing Pedestrian Crash Potential

Although crash fatalities have decreased for motor vehicles in Washington state, pedestrian fatalities have remained relatively steady. To help WSDOT prioritize safety-related pedestrian projects, this study used data from a variety of sources to develop pedestrian risk models that identify the characteristics that contribute to pedestrian crashes that result in severe injuries and fatalities and the locations that are most likely to benefit from investments aimed at zero pedestrian fatalities and zero serious injuries.

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The Impact of Shared Mobility Options on Travel Demand

The increasing availability of shared mobility options is affecting travel behavior and travel demand. Smartphone-based technology has permitted the rapid spread of shared mobility options, which has affected how people use traditional travel modes. Although transportation policies need to consider these changes, a lack of data impedes the development of programs and policies that could address both the positive and negative aspects of the new travel options. This project aimed to provide much needed information about how app-based shared mobility options affect the demand for traditional private individual and public transit travel.

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Evaluation of the Use and Performance of Via to Transit in the Puget Sound Region

The Via to Transit service in the Puget Sound region was a pilot implementation of an on-demand transit access service that connected riders going to or from five Sound Transit Link light rail stations with their trip origins/destinations. This project demonstrated the viability of a public agency partnership with a private sector transportation network company and evaluated the results of providing the pilot Via to Transit on-demand, first-mile/last-mile access to transit services.

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Washington State School Walk Score

Walking and biking to school help children be healthy. They also reduce air pollution, local noise, and traffic congestion. Poor walkability environments pose barriers for children to walk to school. This project developed two school walkability scores that can help parents and school staff assess walkability levels around individual schools and that can also guide jurisdictions in selecting strategies that will increase walkability and safety around schools.

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