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The GBLT community at the UW: Expressing "Selfhood"

Many incoming transfer students at the University of Washington face a major transition and at least a few challenges in assimilating, finding friends, and making the place seem "theirs." Assimilation for gay, bisexual, lesbian and transgender (GBLT) students might, at least in theory, be even more difficult. Fortunately for these students, the University is committed to providing equality in treatment; offers support through an on-campus center for students, faculty and staff (the Q Center); and provides social and educational programming through a commission of the Associated Students of the University of Washington (ASUW). Read more...

The Summer Institute in the Arts and Humanities

The Summer Institute in the Arts and Humanities

Photo credit: Derrick Jefferies, Department of Photography. A product of the 2005 Summer Institute.

The Summer Institute in the Arts and Humanities, created by the Undergraduate Research Program and the Simpson Center for the Humanities, provides a unique opportunity for selected undergraduates to earn full-time, academic credit through immersion in scholarly research with accomplished scholars and peers. Bringing together four faculty and twenty undergraduates in plenary, seminar and tutorial-style sessions, the Institute encourages mutual learning as well as independent thought. Read more...

DX Arts: Digital Expression

What would it be like to be part of a group of scholars, researchers and practitioners of the arts, pushing the leading edge of advanced technologies and working collaboratively in a series of state-of-the-art labs, studios and classrooms? Read on --- your future may await you! Read more...

Admissions Update

I am pleased to share with you news of some positive outcomes and trends for students who have entered the University of Washington from Washington community colleges. In the academic year ending with the spring quarter of 2005, the proportion of all new undergraduates coming to the Seattle campus from Washington community colleges was over 34%. Read more...

Pharmacy Reminder

Since many international students on visas are interested in pursuing degrees in various health care fields, it is important to note that application to the UW Pharmacy program (PHARM D) is open only to U.S. citizens and to students who hold Permanent Resident Visa Status. Read more...

Upcoming Scholarship Deadlines

Martin Family Foundation Honors Scholarship Program, Washington NASA Space Grant Community College Scholarship Program, Biomedical and Health Informatics Summer Undergraduate Research Program. Read more...

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Welcome from the Editor

This issue of the UW's Transfer eNewsletter is devoted to the theme, "Express Yourself." I hope you'll take this opportunity to reflect on the many ways education helps us all to express ourselves and understand the expressions of those around us. Read more...

New: Diversity Minor

Starting this quarter, students at the UW will be able to pursue a new minor in diversity. The Diversity Minor is designed to strengthen students' understanding of how race, class, gender, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexuality, religion, and age interact to define identities and social relations. Read more...

Transfer Student Interview

With Markus Thomi.

Visit ANWR Yourself!

This Summer the UW's Program on the Environment will again offer the course: Choices and Change: Field Work in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Through this unique experience, students will learn about the complex environmental and social questions that surround the future management of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Read more...

Upcoming UW Visits to Community Colleges

Can't make it to campus? Don't worry, the office of admissions visits community colleges throughout the state. Check the schedule below to see when we will be in your area. Read more...

New Environmental Health Undergraduate Scholarship

The Environmental Health undergraduate program is pleased to announce a new scholarship for outstanding students who seek to enter to the undergraduate major. The Jack Hatlen Scholarship will award $1000 to one student who seeks to enter the program each academic year. The first scholarship will be awarded autumn quarter 2006. Read more...