We've got a number of new and improved minors available for undergraduates at the University of Washington this year. Read all about 'em! Read more...
Welcome from the Editor
Should I do a minor? What is a minor? Do I have to have a minor? As an adviser at a four-year baccalaureate institution, I hear these questions a lot. And we've opted to give our lead story of this issue, ostensibly the "major" story of the quarter, to...minors. Read more...
Admissions Update
For autumn 2011, the Seattle campus offered admission to 57.2% of all Washington community college applicants. This compares to offer rates of 58.4% for high school applicants, and only 25.0% for applicants from four-year universities. Read more...
For advisers: 24th Annual CC/UW Advising Conference: Save the Date!
Advisers, please mark your calendars for Thursday, March 22, 2012, for the annual Community College/University of Washington Advising Conference, this year to be held in Mary Gates Hall on the UW Seattle campus. Read more...
Pre-Med and Pre-Dent Information Sessions now online
UAA Pre-health Advising has posted Pre-Medical and Pre-Dental information sessions online! They cover many topics of interest to pre-health students, including: prerequisites, holistic preparation for professional school, shadowing, and more. Read more...
What's New in Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
At the University of Washington School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences (SAFS), we study of the planet's oceanic and freshwater environments. We seek to understand the functioning of these systems, foster the sustainable use of resources and develop solutions to a broad range of environmental issues. Read more...
Transfer Student Interview: Jasmine Palmer
"I just can't get enough bird research!" said Jasmine Palmer who is quickly becoming a bird expert through her experiences at UW that include apprenticing for a quarter at Friday Harbor Laboratories (FHL), UW's marine station on San Juan Island. Read more...
Environmental Health Research Experience Program
In the last 50 years, environmental health responsibilities have significantly expanded and skilled professionals are needed to adequately respond to complex conditions that affect millions of people. Read more...
The School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, formerly Forest Resources
After many years of discussions and over 100 years of history, the School has adopted a new name that more accurately reflects the diversity of programs and research done by our faculty: The School of Environmental and Forest Sciences. Read more...
UW-Bothell Updates
Would you like to Transfer into UW Bothell? Come to our Transfer Fair for more information! Read more...
UW Tacoma increases international transfer enrollment
UW Tacoma faculty approved a number of changes to the international admissions requirements recently, which has led to increased interest by international students in transferring and more successful applications. Read more...
UW-Tacoma Updates
When to Apply, Direct Transfer Agreement, and Campus Visitation Information Read more...
Scholarships for Future Huskies
Martin Family Foundation, Washington NASA Space Grant and the Morris K. Udall Scholarship Read more...