Hung B.

Current projects:

So far, Upward Bound has been like regular school except that you get a chance to walk around more. The idea of having a lecture class is very interesting at first but it is getting tiring. I think, however, that is what I’m going to go through in college and might as well get used to it now. Tech and Special Tech class is very fun. I got to go through a lot of interesting computer program.

Favorite www site

My favorite website is from the upcoming movie Independence Day. Http:// This website is very interesting to me because the picture is nice and interesting and because it is about alien saucers invading earth.


I’m from Vietnam and I’ve lived in Seattle for about 8 yrs now. I haven’t been to anywhere except Seattle. Recently, I’m attending Nathan Hale High School and next year I will become a Junior. In my two years in high school, I average about 3.7 on my cummulative GPA. That is to say I have improved dramatically since my freshman year when I had a 3.5 cummulative GPA. Other than just academics, I joined the Nathan Hale Tennis Team. During my spare time other than practicing tennis for next season, I enjoy riding my bikes or just sitting around on the couch watching T.V. The reason that I decided to join the Upward Bound program is because I figured that I’ll get bored staying home and instead of wasting my time, I could put it into use. Besides I heard that Upward Bound helps you to fill out applications and all kinds of stuff that normally confuses a lot of seniors. Also classes are held at the University of Washington and I want to find out what the environment there is like so that If I should ever decide to go there, I will know. I put the following from Encarta to show the history of Vietnam. I clipped an excerpt from Encarta below to show facts about my country. The modern nation of Vietnam encompasses the historic areas of Tonkin, Annam, and Cochin China. More than 400 years of European control disrupted these traditional regions. France colonized Vietnam in stages during the 19th century, and nationalist groups seeking independence created turbulence during much of the 20th century. From the 1950s to the 1970s, Vietnam was the battleground of an extended war and was divided. The northern portion was closely allied with Communist nations, mainly the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and China, which controlled Vietnam for much of its history. The southern portion was supported by the United States and other allied nations. The Vietnam War ended in 1975, and political unity was established the next year when the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in the north and the Republic of Vietnam in the south became one nation.


My favorite hobby is playing tennis because I can compete and challenge myself with other players. This will not only help me improve my game, my physical characteristics but most importantly it will help me to be exposed to winning, losing and determining how to become a better player/person on and off the court.

"Vietnam," Microsoft® Encarta® 96 Encyclopedia. © 1993-1995 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. © Funk & Wagnalls Corporation. All rights reserved.

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